
Transtifa thugs put on quite a show out the front of Victoria’s Parliament House on Saturday but failed again to stop the latest Women Will Speak event held by the Women’s Action Group. It was the third Women Will Speak event held in Victoria this year.

The informal trans division of the global far-left socialist militia Antifa group has as its goal to shut down through intimidation, vulgarity and violence Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) Let Women Speak events.

The group that promotes these Transtifa protests in Melbourne call themselves Trans Queer Solidarity Naarm/Melbourne. They told attendees to wear face masks and wear either grey or black block clothing. Some wore goggles anticipating in their aggression against Victoria Police they would be pepper sprayed.

The main Transtifa contingent arrived approximately 30 minutes before the start of Women Will Speak which is when Victoria Police deployed their Public Order Response Team and the Mounted Division to form a police line to prevent them from storming the event stage. Two women (they looked and sounded like women) one wearing a balaclava and another in what looked like personal protective equipment were removed by Victoria Police when they breached the police line.

Victoria Police said later in a statement “A 36-year-old Brunswick woman was arrested at the scene for allegedly assaulting police. She has been released pending further inquiries. Victoria Police is disappointed with the actions of the group and while it supports peaceful protests it has a zero-tolerance policy for violence or disruptive acts which impact the broader community”.

During the womens’ speeches, Transtifa played loud music in an attempt to drown them out. A thug or thugs threw two eggs in the direction of the stage hitting several women including State Liberal Bev McArthur MLC. Another new low for them. Water balloons were also thrown at the stage. Transtifa signs included “Queers bash back”, “anybody can be any gender”, “bottoms and tops, we all hate cops”, “fascist graves are gender-neutral toilets” and “make fascists afraid again”.

Women Will Speak was MCed by Women’s Action Group Co-Found Michelle Uriarau, a Mana Wahine Korero woman originally from New Zealand. Other speakers included Bev McArthur MLC who was the only Liberal female MLC to vote against gender self-ID in the Victorian Parliament which passed in 2019. Carole Ann from the Lesbain Action Group which is appealing in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in September the Victorian Pride Centre’s rejection of her organisation’s application to hold a “Lesbians Born Female” event. Jasmine Sussex who was sacked as a Councillor by the Australian Breastfeeding Association for stating that men can’t breastfeed. Even Unshackled contributor Margo Huss got up on stage to speak.

Transtifa claimed victory because they outnumbered the Women Will Speak attendees. Certainly, some women would have been deterred from attending because of the violent and threatening atmosphere that Transtifa creates. However, the Women’s Action Group will continue to hold further Women Will Speak events.

Bev McArthur’s colleague in the Victorian Legislative Council Moria Deeming’s defamation action against Liberal leader John Pesutto will take place in the Federal Court next month. This followed Pesutto’s successful motion on his second attempt to expel Moira Deeming from the Victorian Liberal Parliamentary party room in May 2023 for attending the Melbourne Let Women Speak in March 2023 MCed by Kellie Jay Keen during her Australian tour. Because the National Socialist Network turned up with their ‘Destroy pedo freaks’ sign Pesutto put together a guilt-by-association error-ridden dossier against Deeming to support an expulsion motion. Pesutto settled separate defamation actions brought against him by Kellie Jay Keen and Angela Jones back in May this year.

You can view The Unshackled’s video coverage below.

Auditing Australia’s livestreamed the entire morning and early afternoon from the steps Victoria’s Parliament House. He was assaulted and had his phone stolen by Transtifa back at the first Women Will Speak even back in March this gear

Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.