
Today is Wear It Purple Day. Leading the annual workplace politicisation affair this year in Australia is the Queensland Police Service (QPS). To ‘celebrate’, they’ve launched “specially designed patches” to show support for LGBTI youth. Further, QPS officers may wear their boots with purple laces and wear the newly developed LGBTI Load Bearing Vest patch.

It comes as no surprise that QPS Commissioner Ian Stewart admitted openly that this is a virtue signalling exercise:

“’Wear it Purple’ is a simple message: you have the right to be proud of who you are and sexuality or gender identity does not change this – ‘Wear it Purple’ if you agree – and we do… We know that this small display of support can have a significant impact on LGBTI young people… This symbolism of the purple shoelaces is simply to encourage people – including our police – to think about walking in someone else’s shoes for the day.”

It is worth noting that Wear it Purple Day was created in response to the 2010 suicide of Tyler Clementi, a young gay man in the US. While it appears that homophobia played a role in enabling the suicide, the actions of those involved was straight-up anti-social behaviour, not merely just anti-gay.

In general, it is socially unacceptable to deliberately invade people’s privacy, just as it is socially unacceptable to join in the invasion of someone’s privacy instead of having the moral courage to discourage such behaviour. These are social expectations underpinned by the universal human value of respect for each other. Everyone, including Tyler Clementi, deserves respect, so why ‘Wear it Purple’ for just LGBTI youth, when all youths deserve respect?

The obvious symbolism ‘Wear it Purple’ was publicly admitted, purple shoelaces will do virtually nothing for the real issues LGBTI youth face, and given that the event discriminates against non-LGBTI folk, the motive is clear. Wear It Purple Day is just another subversive tool for workplace politicisation, as part of the ongoing leftist march through the institutions. To create imaginary oppressors and the oppressed, to divide people into identity victim groups rather than respecting people as individuals. It is as deceptive as ‘love is love’.

On a personal note, I might suffer as a non-Anglo-Celtic transwoman, but I can make good choices in life to overcome my bad circumstances. I might have had something racist, sexist or transphobic happen to me in the past, but trying to legitimise a learned victimhood status for me and those like me is socially unhealthy. This is why I am not taking part in Wear It Purple Day.

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