Is Veganism the future? Meat free options increase in popularity among under 30’s

Last week the nation was fixated with news reports of Vegan activists terrorizing farmers and taking livestock as ransom for their release. There was also their infamous attempted takeover of the Melbourne CBD where they chained themselves to vans and police eventually removed them after three hours.
This brand of activism may soon carry hefty penalties under new laws announced by the Morrison Government with even Labor opposing vegan aggression, but the message has been sent that radical actions work despite the legal consequences being imposed.
This week popular burger chain Grill’d has introduced a completely meat free menu, seemingly aimed at capturing a growing demographic of largely under 30’s who have opted to reduce or completely eliminate their meat consumption for ethical and health reasons.
“Sales of Grill’d’s meat-free burgers grew more than 100 per cent in the past year alone. The biggest increase we’ve seen is in the number of meat-eaters who are now choosing plant-based options — especially in the under 30s age group,” According to Grill’d founder Simon Crowe.
What has been keeping as much as a third of people from going meat free is that the alternatives don’t have the same satisfying texture and flavour that they’ve become accustomed to, but that is changing. New lab-made alternatives are hitting the market that aim to fill the void without leaving a bad taste in one’s mouth.
One of the dietary concerns associated with the vegan lifestyle is vitamin b12 deficiency, but this is being overcome by fortifying products with b12.
Many who reacted angrily to vegan protests aren’t necessarily opposed to eating less meat, they merely take issue with the methods of protest and the targeting of vulnerable farmers. Though last week’s protests did see many go out of their way to consume more meat out of spite.
There are some health and environmental benefits to reducing meat consumption as a whole. With a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the water required to grow food needed to feed the population and antibiotics that end up in trace amounts in the food we consume.
In addition to this, there is reduced cholesterol, risks of bowel and prostate cancer, heart disease and even (apparently) increased sexual virility. There only has to be a slight reduction in meat consumption across the board for the global benefits to be seen.
Keep an eye out for these new alternatives making their way onto the market and give them a try, your significant other (and the planet) may thank you.