UK Murder Rate At 10-Year High As Spending For Law Enforcement Drops


Murder rate in London is currently at its 10-year high. Knife crime and moped-enabled crime, as well as once rare and shocking incidents such as acid and machete attacks have gripped the country. 

Rampant crime cannot be addressed efficiently since the Police force suffers from severe lack of manpower caused by austerity measures introduced by the Tories under David Cameron.

However, NCA reports show that large amount of money continues to be allocated to foreign aid budget, which soaks up £14.7 billion even if the police force is struggling. 

Moreover, corrupt foreign politicians in cahoots with state officials overseas have been directing British Foreign Aid to organized crime syndicates.

The NCA has been conducting several investigations into allegations that cash is either stolen or funneled to crime groups in poor countries by corrupt governments:

“Criminals are continuing to develop international connections to increase the reach of their activity, and to maximize profits,” said NCA Director-General Lynne Owens.

“We are also seeing ever-increasing crossover between crime threats, with finance at the heart of this. Organized criminals involved in smuggling of people or firearms also supply drugs, and the relationship between organized immigration crime and modern slavery is becoming more apparent.”

Sajid Javid of the Home Office believes the problem of criminality runs even deeper:

“Serious and organized criminals operating in the UK sexually exploit children and ruthlessly target the most vulnerable, ruining lives and blighting communitie.,”

Javid released an estimate that criminal activities cost the UK at least £37 billion every year.

According to the Daily Mail, Britain has been targeted by international crime organizations because of its inflated and controversial foreign aid budget. Accordingly Britain spends an estimated £14 billion a year around the world despite significant cutbacks to public services at home. Britain also needs to invest in strategies and programs after the country formally exits the European Union.

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