
Ever since the election of Donald Trump as President the left and media have believed it has emboldened racists and bigots to persecute minority groups.

They have grasped at any report of Trump supporters allegedly carrying out a hate crime as proof of this. They have wanted these incidents to be true so bad that they have abandoned any fact checking or journalistic skepticism.

The culmination of this has been the alleged hate crime carried out against Empire TV star Jussie Smollett in Chicago. On the evening of January 29th Smollett alleged two men attacked him and “poured an unknown liquid” on him and put a noose around his neck while hurling racist and homophobic insults and saying “this is MAGA country”.

This event was reporting unquestionably by the mainstream media with Democratic Senators and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker using it for political advantage, calling the alleged attack a modern day lynching. President Trump was even asked about it to which he said “I think that’s horrible. It doesn’t get worse.”

But facts of the attack and what Smollet told police and the media didn’t add up during the investigation. Then on Friday we learned that two suspects had been arrested over the attack (who have been since released without charge), two brothers of Nigerian descent who have a “relationship” with Smollett and one brother worked on the Empire show.

It is alleged that Smollett staged the hate crime to prevent his character being written out of Empire. The Fox Network which broadcasts the series has denied this. This hypothesis has not been confirmed by the Chicago Police Department whose investigation is still ongoing.

But given the fact that was not a racially motivated hate crime as initially reported conservative commentators and even objective news reporters have slammed the media for immediately buying Smollet’s version of events, and using it as another opportunity to attack President Trump and allege he is fostering racism and bigotry.

In light of these new developments Donald Trump Jr led the charge against the mainstream media for reporting yet again a fake hate crime and fake news.

It appears that Jussie Smollett tried to manufacture a hate crime to make Trump supporters look bad and most of the media not only uncritically accepted his lies as facts for weeks, but attacked those who questioned the validity of his false story.— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 17, 2019

This gross and deliberate misreporting by the mainstream media comes only a month after it was exposed for alleging that the Covington Catholic High School Boys intimidated and hurled insults at Native American activist Nathan Phillips at the March for Life in Washington DC.

Phillips who lied about his Vietnam War service alleged the boys said ‘build the wall’ and surrounded him with student Nicholas Sandmann standing next to Phillips while smiling. The mainstream media vilified these boys as entitled, privileged racists with prominent celebrities posting that they want these boys lives ruined and some even fantasized about murdering them.

It wasn’t until the full two hour tape was released which shows that Phillips approached the boys when they were being harassed by a group of Black Israelites and hurled no such insults at Phillips rather just sang their school song and hummed along to the beat of his drum.

The mainstream media was forced into a humiliating backdown, even some conservative commentators fell for the fake news and condemned the boys. Sandmann and the Covington boys have now employed legal counsel Todd McMurtry and defamation lawyer L. Lin Wood who have set letters to 50 individuals and media outlets in the first step of a libel and defamation suit.

These two recent high profile fake hate crimes are part of a wider occurrence of such fabricated incidents since Trump was elected President. In December 2016 a Muslim woman claimed that in a New York subway three men attacked her and tried to take off her hijab yelling ‘Donald Trump!’ She was later charged with filing a false police report. There have been other occurrences of hijab pulling that have turned out to be fake.

University campuses around the United States have been fertile ground for fake hate crimes, despite the fact they are the most left wing places in America. These have included fake racist notes being left on dormitory doors, with the occupant found to have been the writer of the notes. A shoelace left outside a dormitory door was deemed to have been a noose and also reported as a hate crime.

Yet it seems after two years of the Trump Presidency and progressive and media lies about Trump supposedly creating a hateful America being repeatedly debunked, nothing is learned by either party. The media fails to do basic fact checking of these supposed hate crimes, instead running with a story that fits their anti-Trump narrative.

The only people promoting hate and division are the leftist activists and their allies in the media, with the truth nowhere near their top priority.

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