Vegan Activists Threaten Primary Producers


How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. Not content to quietly live their lifestyle they insist on pushing it onto others.


How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. One subset of society which has a well-earned reputation for being generally unpleasant is the Vegan activist community.
Not content to quietly live their lifestyle they insist on pushing it onto others and threaten the livelihoods of primary producers through targeted harassment.

An incident last week brought attention to the growing harassment that primary producers are increasingly faced with. Activist James Warden of Direct Action Everywhere and his partner were taking footage of livestock when they were confronted by the owner Jason Parravicini and asked to leave.

When they refused the situation escalated, shortly after the farmer discharged his shotgun into the air in what he claims is a regular occurrence intended to scare vermin away from his property. James can be heard saying “He’s got a shotgun … he just shot bullets”. Shotguns fire shells, not bullets James.

Vegan Activist James Warden

This isn’t the first time Direct Action Everywhere activists made the news, last year they stormed an Outback Jacks steakhouse in Northbridge and resisted when staff attempted to eject them from the restaurant, later claiming that they had been assaulted.

Activist group ‘Aussie Farms’ recently released an interactive map showing locations of farms for the purpose of targeting by activists. Agricultural Minister David Littleproud rebuked them, claiming the map could encourage vigilante activists to trespass onto properties to get footage while also creating a biosecurity risk.

A common thread among these groups is the Dominion Movement. The website states the goal of the documentary to “Expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom. While mainly focusing on animals’ used for food, it also explores other ways animals are exploited and abused by humans, including clothing, entertainment, and research.”

‘Aussie Farms’ is promoting a number of nationwide rallies for April 8, the one year anniversary of the release of the documentary ‘Dominion’, the organizers are keeping tightly lipped about what they are planning for the events.

It should come as no surprise that veganism has been associated with increased risk of brain damage, particularly due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 can only be found in animal products or obtained through supplements derived from animal products.

So it’s little wonder why their diseased minds would concoct the sort of publicity stunt that saw activists barbecue a fake dog in a crowded Sydney mall in full view of distressed children.

Not only is it potentially harmful, but it’s also not even that environmentally friendly.

In another example of vegans being generally unpleasant, UK based activist Joey Carbstrong gloated after a South Australian dairy farmer tearfully declared that she would have to close her third generation dairy farm due to plummeting milk prices being paid by major supermarket chains.


Joey claims it’s a “Horrifically cruel and abusive industry”, going on to add “just move into more ethical alternatives, plant-based alternatives”

The red meat and livestock industry accounts for 1.6% or $18.4 billion AUD in GDP and $13.3 billion AUD in export revenue.

The dairy industry is the third largest agricultural industry behind meat and wheat, accounting for $4 billion AUD and Australia is the third largest exporter of dairy, exporting 50% of what we produce.

These industries are hugely important for the prosperity of rural communities. While vegan activists such as Joey Carbstrong insist that plant-based products are a viable alternative, this is not an option in some areas in which these industries operate as the land isn’t suitable for much else.

Comedian Maddox sums up the issue in this timeless video.

If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy my follow-up article here.

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