
Sonia Kruger for many years was considered just one of many run of the mill Australian TV presenters. In July 2016, however, she became the voice of a nation after she called for a ban on Muslim immigration following the Nice truck Islamic terror attack on Bastille Day in France.

This comment was made on her morning TV show Today Extra discussing Andrew Bolt’s News Corp column calling for a ban on Muslim immigration “Personally, I would like to see it (Muslim migration) stop now for Australia”. She admitted this view would be seen as controversial but “I want to feel safe, as all of our citizens do when they go out to celebrate Australia Day, and I’d like to see freedom of speech”.

Following social media outrage rather than capitulate as is normally the case Kruger defended her right to express this viewpoint “Following the atrocities of last week in Nice where 10 children lost their lives, as a mother, I believe it’s vital in a democratic society to be able to discuss these issues without being labelled racist”.

Since we don’t have free speech in Australia Kruger is now the subject of an Anti-Discrimination complaint by Australian Muslim Sam Ekermawi, from Moorebank in Sydney who claimed that Kruger and the Nine Network had engaged in the vilification of “ethnic Muslim Australians”.

In his complaint to the Anti-Discimination Board of New South Wales, Ekermawi wrote “Kruger did target Ethnic-Muslims as a group; she believes that Muslim Australians are constructed as terrorist” and claimed that “Islamophobia is a world wide phenomena”.

The New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Act makes it is unlawful for a person, by a public act, to incite hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule of a person or people on the ground of race. Of course, the religion of Islam is not a race, but the left and Muslims themselves always try to relate criticism of Islam to racism. This has been done in the case of Kruger so that the anti-discrimination complaint can be lodged.

Kruger has failed to have a racial vilification complaint against her dismissed and as a result, it will go before a directions hearing on June 19. Kruger has done well to this point to stand by her convictions, she was not even supported intially by her co-host David Campbell. We have already seen the stress such complaints can cause people, in the case of cartoonist Bill Leak as it is widely seen that the Human Rights Commission complaints against his cartoon contributed to his early death.

Free speech will once again be on trial not just for Kruger, but for all of us as if the complaint is successful it will prevent open discussion about the impact Islamic immigration is having on Australian society.

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