FAKE “Liberal” Jim Jefferies EXPOSED- DRAWS Picture of Prophet Muhammad INSULTS ISLAM
Avi Yemini, Jewish content creator and failed political candidate, just exposed Jim Jefferies drawing a picture of Prophet Muhammad, as well as mocking and insulting Islam on a hidden camera. Jim Jefferies is known as a champion of the left, who goes around under the guise of “comedy” in order to preach his views on “tolerance and cosmopolitanism”.
But the reality reveals another side to liberal champion Jim Jefferies, a side that jokes about Islamic women, draws the Prophet Muhammad, calling said drawing “He looks like a wobbly ghost” and someone that, behind the scenes insults Islam.
Avi Yemini who is known as a controversial figure in Australian political scene, has exposed Jim Jefferies using a hidden camera during an interview for “The Jim Jefferies Show”. “Comedian” actor, and writer Jim Jefferies took digs at Islam during an interview and joked that he never looks bad because of his editing.
Avi Yemini has not allowed the full one hour to come out, as he wants payment through Patreon, so this report will focus on what we know. What we know is that from the teaser trailer released by Yemini on YouTube, is an admission from Jim Jefferies that he understands fully the risks and dangers associated with joking about Islam because of how badly it is received by Islamic communities.
Here is a quote from Jim which is exposed from the undercover film as Jefferies says…
“I’m not a big fan of Islam. […]
“I think that wearing a burqa is stupid and demeaning and all those things.”
The main thrust of the Jim Jefferies Show was to joke about a Dingo fence in Australia and draw criticisms from that example of how “walls” don’t work. In that context, the next part of the leaked footage was a discussion of which one is more dangerous, a dingo or Islam. Both Jim and Avi agreed that dingos and Islam are dangerous.
Yemini notes that a dingo ate a baby – Jefferies cut in and said if a dingo ate a “bloody Muslim baby” it would probably vomit it, to which Yemini recoils and says…
“No… I don’t actually agree with that shit. […] That’s not funny. You’re talking about fucking killing kids. That’s crossing a line. There’s a fucking line.”
Here is the kicker. Jim Jefferies that liberal loving virtue signalling shill said…
“We’ll edit this bit out. I never look bad in these interviews.”
And this is what always happens to conservative personalities when they are appear on these shows for an extensive interview which is then edited heavily.
Check out the full video here thanks to Comedy Central:
Freedom of speech is something to be defended. But this is a man who went out of his way to attack conservative and alternative opinions. He deserves no defence, no protection. He has no argument. Avi Yemini outsmarted, outplayed and out did him this time, and he has be exposed out on the stage. Share this far and wide so that others can see the hypocrisy for themselves.
Watch the exposed video here: