Barnaby Joyce Claims Testicles More Likely to Be Linked To Terrorism Than Refugees


Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has joined in on the stupidity of our politicians and intelligence officers, by denying any link between our refugee program, immigration and Islam with the rise of terrorism in our country. Asked in an interview with Sky News David Speers to comment on the justified community outrage over the ASIO Chief Duncan Lewis’ answer to Pauline Hanson at Senate Estimates last week that there was no evidence linking refugees to terrorist, Joyce responded that linking refugees or Muslims to terrorism was like linking men, or as he put it testicles to terrorism. He refused to mention the word Islam in his answer and said that terrorism was inspired by many different religions and pieces of literature.

The question by Speers was also in response to recent comments by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott on 2GB yesterday in which decried the attitude of our security agencies and urged them to ‘Stop Tip-Toeing Around Islam’. He followed this up in an opinion piece in the Daily Telegraph stating that the only good jihadi is one who has been taken out, that there are many passages in the Koran which are incompatible with western values and we are seeing the increasing Islamification of Australia. Joyce dismissed the comments of Abbott as just those of a backbencher and not reflective of government policy.

It is clear that Joyce is singing from the same songbook as Islamic apologist Waleed Aly on the Project last night who suggested the same, albeit with less crude language. This is on top of the Attorney-General George Brandis and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten yesterday backing the under-fire ASIO Chief. Malcolm Turnbull yesterday in Question Time said that the Muslim community was Australia’s best ally in countering terrorism and violent extremism in Australia.

The level of denial has now reach alarming levels, our leaders are blatantly ignoring the concerns Australians have about the impact Islam is having not just on our security but the culture and freedoms of Australia. One wonders whether the current political establishment will ever get the message or will we need to drain the entire swamp in Canberra for any action to be taken?

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