ANZAC Day Reaffirms Australian National Pride

ANZAC Day 2018 Report
Thousands gathered around the country yesterday to commemorate the deaths of those brave souls that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and to stop the militarisation of Europe. Hopes were high for this year’s event despite the left wing threatening their usual antics, this time they were hoping to rally their numbers to commemorate the deaths of the Frontier Wars to which I say, each to his own, but you could pick a better day and refrain from the use of the words “lest we forget,” a phrase most commonly associated with ANZAC Day.
Sometime before the day itself (either late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning) this banner was put up in Carlton.
So far this is the only one that has been publicised but there is no reason why they could not have put up more.
The night before protesters were also spotted outside the Victoria State Library in a group no more than 15 holding up antiwar signs including the Syrian flag. At the front was a man with a megaphone announcing their plans to hold rallies for the Frontier Wars as well as many other wars that the left disagrees with.
The next day people looking out for Frontier Wars rallies in Melbourne were disappointed, as there have been no reports of anything. However, video footage has emerged showing a large group in Canberra approaching the soldiers in the ANZAC march calling white people bastards (even though their group was made up of whites predominantly) and playing music by blowing the great hollow stick of complexity and beating the wooden sticks of low energy. It was truly terrifying…
All leftist antics aside, the turnout at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne was truly impressive. Thousands were gathered in a crowd that covered almost the entire corner of the park. The morning started off with speeches from politicians and returned servicemen alike reflecting upon Australia’s long and eventful war history, as well as stories of bravery and savagery from the Great War.
Security at the event was rather poor, as a cameraman, I patrolled the event throughout with a backpack that could have held anything in it but no one looked at me twice, despite the fact that I just look like a school shooter.
The March followed soon after at 9 a.m. We gathered at Flinders Street to see large groups of soldiers in formation as well as various marching bands. It was really quite impressive to watch. When the march began one could see much evidence of the diversification of the army. As they marched in groups of 10 to 50 I could not see any obvious transsexuals, however, a significant portion of some of those groups were made up of Asian looking cadets. This level of diversity would not have been seen or even dreamed about back in the 1910s during a high point of the “White Australia Policy.” Picture of the ANZACs reflect that entirely.
I did not let that ruin my experience though and continued to film. Banners were carried naming each conflict Australia has ever been in, including the cold war proxies with Veterans from each war marching close behind.
Interviewing bystanders was interesting. Everyone had a different story of a relative that served in the supposed War to End All Wars. One man stated that if it wasn’t for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 his grandfather would have probably not survived the Second World War, being in a Japanese POW camp for most of the conflict. This was indeed an interesting take on things that I had never thought about before.
All in all, Wednesday showed that Australians’ sense of national pride is still very much alive and well. Leftist agitators were either too scared or were just plain ignored as the day powered on and the crowds only grew bigger. The conversations with the people I spoke to showed just how much the general public connects with days like this. We all have a stake in this country, its past and future, and I believe that as the years go on despite the pushing of diversity and Marxist ideas this day and days like it will always be special to the real Australians.