
Prominent Canadian conservative and nationalist commentator Faith Goldy has had her patreon account deleted for violating the platform’s hate speech policies. Goldy released a video on her YouTube channel explaining how this unfolded sharing the email she received from Maria from Patreon’s Trust and Safety team which stated:

“I want to let you know that your creator page has been removed for violating our Community Guidelines on Hate Speech. You recently sincerely recited the Fourteen Words on a podcast. At Patreon, we believe in freedom of speech and promoting diverse viewpoints – we want to create a platform that empowers creators to share and debate ideas. That said, we do not support exclusionary ideologies”

What are the Fourteen Words? It refers to a slogan used by white nationalists and the alt-right “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”. While the words themselves may not be controversial the fact that they are used in tandem by white supremacists and neo-Nazis with the phrase ”Heil Hitler” to create the number 1488 means that anyone who uses this phrase is seen to sympathise with such people.

Goldy recited the Fourteen Words when requested during an appearance on the YouTube channel Millennial Woes in December 2017. The channel is operated by Scottish alt-right personality Colin Robertson.

Goldy stated she had no regrets about using the words and denied she is an adherent to an exclusionary ideology and claimed Patreon is adhering to an exclusionary ideology by banning her. She went onto attack Patreon for allowing left-wing terrorist organization Antifa to collect funds on the platform, suggesting this type of speech was allowed because one of their employees is a member of Antifa.

Goldy was originally a presenter and reporter for the Candian alt-media website The Rebel Media and was one of their most prominent personalities. She garnered worldwide controversy for her coverage of Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 organized by the alt-right to defend the statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Goldy was only meters away when James Alex Fields drove a car into the crowd killing Heather Heyer.

Goldy was initially defended by Rebel Media Chief Ezra Levant when there was a backlash against Rebel by the media in Canada, however, was formally fired when it was revealed she made an appearance on a podcast associated with the white supremacist website The Daily Stormer where she appeared to show support for the rally organizers.

Since then Goldy has been an independent commentator producing content for her YouTube channel where she has increasingly been more nationalist in her views and has criticised immigration from the third world, multiculturalism and white genocide. She has appeared on alt-right and white nationalist media channels such as Red Ice.

In the second half of the video, Goldy makes the case that caring about the future of white people and children is not racist because if you said it about any other race it would not be controversial. She demonstrates this by going uncover in the streets of Toronto to obtain signatures for a petition that states “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for aboriginal children” and ends up with a line of people wanting to add their signature.

At the end of the video, Goldy promotes the other ways her followers can support her work. All of her videos on YouTube have been demonetized as well. Her PayPal account is still active, as is her bitcoin wallet and she has set up a creator profile on FreeStartr, a new crowdfunding website. FreeStartr describes itself as having an “absolute free speech guarantee” whose mission is to “make sure that no one is ever unable to raise money for a project”.

Faith Goldy is not the first alt-media personality to be kicked off patreon for hate speech. In July 2017 her former Rebel Media colleague Lauren Southern had her patreon account deleted over her association with European border patrol organization Defend Europe. Southern now has a successful membership program and donation button hosted on her personal website.

It remains to be seen whether Goldy’s removal from Patreon is a sign of broader purge of alt-media personalities from the platform but can certainly be interpreted as a warning to others.

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