LABOR has LOST the “unlosable” ELECTION!

Former Labor senator Sam Dastyari, who remains close with many in the party, has described “panic stations” at Labor Party headquarters this evening.
“I think the Labor Party looks as if it may have lost the unlosable election,” he said.
“I did believe very strongly that Bill Shorten had overplayed his hand on the class warfare stuff,” former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard was quoted as saying.
Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek and shadow infrastructure minister Anthony Albanese said they would wait to see the vote count over the coming days.
“I don’t think you can call the election as done,” Plibersek said on the ABC. “I think we might wait for voters’ ballot papers to be counted before we do that.”
Plibersek blamed an “extremely negative” campaign by the coalition, saying Labor policies had been misrepresented. “Bill (Shorten) ran a fantastic campaign,” she said.