
The world has been reeling from the coordinated terror attacks carried out at churches and high-end hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. The eight separate blasts have so far killed 207 and at least 450 are injured.

It is clear that given three Christian places of worship were targeted and it occured on one of the religion’s most holy days that it was an attack against Christianity.

Sri Lanka might be seen as an unusual place for such as Christophobic attack given that Christians only make up 7.4% of the total population.

The dominant religions are Buddhism (practiced by the majority ethnic Sinhalese) and Hinduism (practiced by the dominate ethnic minority Tamils).

Terrorism in Sri Lanka was normally carried out by these religious and ethnic groups against each other during the Sri Lankan Civil War from 1983-2009.

After every terror attack world leaders and public figures send out their condolences to the victims offering their thoughts and prayers. Attacks against religious group are considered especially egregious in the eyes of these leaders.

You will recall after the Christchurch mosque terror attack carried about by Australian white nationalist Brenton Tarant all political leaders expressed solidarity with members of the Muslim faith and reaffirmed that everyone has the right to practice their faith peacefully. This came from both the left and the right.

But it would appear when the victims are Christian, some members of the left can’t bring themselves to express support for those of the Christian faith.

Case in point the Australia Greens Senate team, which has six members up for election who tweeted their condolences without mentioning the target and victims were Christian.

Don’t mention the C word was led by their leader Richard Di Natale who only mentioned Sri Lankan victims and people gathering in “peace”

Sarah Hanson Young did say her “thoughts and prayers were with everyone caught up with the attack”, and the solution was more peace and love.

Muslim Senator Mehreen Faruqi only referenced ‘shocking and ‘awful bombings’.

Meanwhile nothing from Greens Senators Jordan Steele-John, Nick McKim Larissa Waters and the official Australian Greens Twitter account. Do they want to condemn terrorism motivated by hate or only that which fits their agenda?

This is still a developing story, with the motive of the terrorists not known. But it is clear who it was aimed against it was rooted in Christophobia. Yet some partisan politicians can’t say what it is.

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