Aus Union Boss And DV Activist Charged In Domestic Incident
According to Liberal Party Minister Kelly O’Dwyer, Setka “is a man with a very violent history”.

Police arrested Victorian Union boss John Setka at his family home on Boxing Day, after responding to reports of an argument. The case is being handled by Victoria Police’s Westgate Family Violence Investigation Unit and Setka has been bailed to reappear at Melbourne Magistrate’s Court on January 9th.
Soon after the story of his arrest broke, Setka called on sympathy for himself and his children in a tweet under a CFMEU letterhead:
Statement in relation to media report.
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) January 2, 2019
“Over the last three years my wife Emma and my children David, Kate and Johnny have suffered immensely from the ongoing political and ideological attacks on myself as a union leader”, Setka tweeted. On Father’s Day 2018, Setka tweeted a photo of two of his young children holding an obscene sign reading “Go Get F***ed”, apparently directed at the Australian Building and Construction Commission.
According to Liberal Party Jobs and Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O’Dwyer, the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) Victoria boss “is a man with a very violent history”.
“He is a man who has been found guilty of more than 59 offences including assaulting police more than five times,” and “has attacked [Australian Building and Construction Commission] workplace inspectors simply for doing their job and has threatened their families as well”, said Ms O’Dwyer.
At Labor’s annual conference in Adelaide last month, Mr Setka called former Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd “a f****ng dog” and a “maggot”. Mr Rudd said being attacked by Mr Setka was “a minor badge of honour in Australian politics”.
While clearly a frothing-at-the-mouth radical, what is most ironic to note about Setka is the familiar pattern of an abuser of women who uses left-wing politics and ‘male feminism’ to hide in plain sight. Even feminists (the slightly less creepy female kind) have started to figure that one out. Here are some of Setka’s most virtue-signalling tweets over the past few years:
Shouldn't Abbott tackle problems like family violence & indigenous health instead of this hysteria over terrorism?
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) October 7, 2014
November 25 is @WhiteRibbonAust Day. Make a stand against Violence against Women!
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) November 8, 2014
Please share this confronting video & help stop violence against women. #auspol #DearDaddy
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) December 30, 2015
WA CFMEU ass.sec Joe McDonald has a blunt message for governments reg.Domestic Violence! #auspol #ausunions
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) July 27, 2015
@RosieBatty1Your an inspiration Rosie. May your words be heard in every household to bring awareness and put an end to domestic violence.
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) January 25, 2015
Men are responsible for the problem. Men must be responsible for the solution. Violence and bullying against women must end. And what we walk passed we accept.#springst
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) July 8, 2018
Imagine the hospitals, schools, mental health facilities, domestic violence services that we could have if @TurnbullMalcolm ‘s Liberals didn’t have such a passionate hate for Australian workers!#auspol
— John Setka (@CFMEUJohnSetka) June 6, 2018
While domestic violence continues to be an abomination on Australian society, what’s most egregious is that the Australian Left continues to ascribe itself all of the moral authority while ignoring the hypocrisy of figures who can help them gain political and material wealth.