The Annual Unshackler Awards: 2020 Australian Regressive Of The Year Award
It’s that time again where we look back and remember the year that was.
The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over the next coming weeks to remember the good and the bad as we break the chains of control.
Now it’s our time to publicly shame the worst 10 offenders as nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2020 Australian Regressive of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.
And The Nominees Are:
2020 Australian Regressive Of The Year
- Daniel Andrews (49%, 72 Votes)
- Waleed Aly (12%, 17 Votes)
- Lidia Thorpe (11%, 16 Votes)
- Kevin Rudd (7%, 11 Votes)
- Kristina Keneally (7%, 10 Votes)
- Annastacia Palaszczuk (6%, 9 Votes)
- Malcolm Turnbull (4%, 6 Votes)
- Paul Barry (3%, 5 Votes)
- Mike Carlton (1%, 1 Votes)
- Padraic 'Paddy' Gibson (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 147
Daniel Andrews is the current Premier of the Communist State of Victoria. When he isn’t fighting for far-left SJW causes, he is restricting peoples freedoms with ridiculous lockdowns and conducted many human rights violations that are only second to Communist China. He has now chosen to take a holiday just before the braindead electorate beg for his return.
Annastacia Palaszczuk is the current Premier of the State of Queensland. She like her Labor hero from Melbourne, has made sure she didn’t let a good opportunity go to waste by enforcing freedom stripping restrictions on the populace. These restrictions that apply to people wanting to see dying relatives or pregnant women that end up miscarrying don’t obviously apply to her celebrity mates. To top it off she loves to boast about this by spending 7 million dollars in tax payers money with propaganda ads about how she is somehow protecting people.
Kristina Keneally is the current Labor Opposition Leader of the Federal Senate. Rising up the ranks with her kneeling pads handy, she like most politicians always seems to be on the wrong side of every issue. Whether it be drumming up hysteria of the current virus, labelling herself Catholic despite opposing the Church on basically every issue, or trying to brand right-wing patriots as terrorists.
Lidia Thorpe is a current Federal Senator from the Australian Greens. She virtue signals hard on her so called Aboriginal heritage despite looking as white as anyone else does. She successfully got her wish in having words in the Australian anthem changed and continues to show her vulgarity when promoting feminist and degenerate causes.
Kevin Rudd is a former Prime Minister of Australia and current social media pest. He has to not only be one of the worst PM’s of all time, but one of the biggest globalist shills one has ever come across. Someone that continues to whine about Murdoch yet completely ignores the far-left bias at his beloved ABC. Someone that claims to be Christian but like many support all the far-left SJW modernist causes. An absolute puppet for the establishment.
Malcolm Turnbull is a former Prime Minister of Australia and current senior advisor to private equity firm KKR. He spends his time continually attacking his own Liberal Party in much the same way he did sabotaging it whilst being a politician. He supported Kevin Rudd’s petition against Rupert Murdoch, supports the Green New Deal aswell as every other globalist progressive cause that is seen to be popular, and from time to time gets interviewed by his mates over at the ABC.
Paul Barry is the current host of the far-left Media Watch show on the ABC. He doesn’t hide his hate for those with conservative views and despite saying he is a moderate seems to align himself with all of the common SJW progressive positions. He is the highest paid TV host raking in a cool $200,000 a year for his 15 minutes of weekly propaganda.
Mike Carlton is a far-left journalist that loves to talk in profanities whilst having meltdowns on social media. He was happy to accept a Queens Birthday honour despite earlier calling for us to cut ties with the Royal Family. A true hypocrite.
Waleed Aly is co-host of the far-left TV program The Project. For many years now he has used this platform to promote progressive issues whilst demonising conservative positions. This show comes across as light hearted which is why it has been able to attract many normies into following their biased agendas. Despite the show in recent times suffering from a decline in ratings, Channel 10 refuse to axe the show as it serves their purpose in drawing in an unintelligent audience to elite causes.
Padraic ‘Paddy’ Gibson is a UTS senior researcher and far-left activist. Someone that has written for the far-left Guardian and Green-Left papers in the past, and seems to be a leading campaigner for Aboriginal issues despite his very Irish sounding name. He was arrested at a Black Lives Matter rally for protesting during virus restrictions and is an open socialist with ties to many radical groups.