The Annual Unshackler Awards: 2018 Fake News Of The Year Award

It’s that time of year again where we look back and remember last year for what it was.
The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over coming weeks to remember the good and the bad as we break the chains of control.
Now it’s time to publicly shame the biggest fake news companies nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2018 Fake News of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.
And The Nominees Are:
2018 Fake News Of The Year
- ABC (35%, 24 Votes)
- CNN (25%, 17 Votes)
- Buzzfeed (13%, 9 Votes)
- Fairfax Media (7%, 5 Votes)
- The Guardian (4%, 3 Votes)
- Mamamia (4%, 3 Votes)
- Vice Media (4%, 3 Votes)
- SBS (3%, 2 Votes)
- Junkee (3%, 2 Votes)
- The Huffington Post (1%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 69

Buzzfeed is an American Internet media company based in New York City. The firm is a social news and entertainment company with a focus on digital media. BuzzFeed was founded by Jonah Peretti in 2006 as a viral lab focusing on tracking viral content. It is known to produce “click bait” kind of articles such as “25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions”. Buzzfeed is known to be sympathetic to the extreme left and promote degenerate causes such as transgenderism, taboo sex topics, and pro-feminist rhetoric. Buzzfeed Australia even wrote an article in 2017 accusing Unshackled’s Senior Editor Damien Ferri of being a far-right extremist and a member of Reclaim Australia after appearing on Q&A. Recently Buzzfeed have come up with articles such as “25 gay glowups that will absolutely make your day” and “a mum used a vibrator to clean her babys chest congestion.“
CNN is the name you can trust for producing consistent fake news. It is also the news outlet that suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome the greatest. President Trump is always doing something wrong, they managed to spin his surprise visit to the US troops overseas as involving scandal. They followed pornstar Stormy Daniels around the country, her only value in the news is that she slept with then businessman Trump in 2006 and wanted to hurt him. They also are endlessly predicting the end of the Trump Presidency, that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just got the smoking gun in his investigation, and that progressive Democrats and activists are on the verge of defeating his legislative agenda.
The Guardian is a British daily newspaper that is owned by the Scott Trust. The guardian has an online presence in both the US and Australia that launched in 2011 and 2013. The Guardian seems to hold views that are far-left as they have feminist columnists such as Van Badham, and take a leading role on the SJW front. The Guardian was the worst offender in asylum seeker coverage, and aims to destroy conservative thought within public life. Recent trash from The Guardian include “St Kilda rally: a fascist movement can only be kept small if we call it by its name” and “western civilisation is not under threat even if conservatives want you to think so.”
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) is Australia’s national broadcaster that is funded by the Federal Government. The ABC although claiming to be independent and free of bias, has proven to be a far-left think tank that continues to show its hidden agenda. This is evident in programs such as Q&A that have one conservative stacked up against four progressives and the host on the panel, media watch that focuses on attacking conservatives, and late night programs that promote LGBT material. Recent insignificant articles relating to dating when you are aboriginal but your partner is not, and life as a bisexual Sufi Muslim are circulating on the ABC. The ABC also exposed members within the Young Nationals and Lads Society in an effort to intimidate and cause them harm.
Fairfax Media is the publisher of inner-city leftists’ favourite newspapers Melbourne’s Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. In a market saturated by left wing news and opinion, especially in the internet age, Fairfax suffered years of losses and job reductions. It was forced into a merger with Channel Nine, who based on their news reporting lately have adopted the Fairfax editorial line. Fairfax’s political reporters frequently blur the line between factual reporting and opinion with their ‘political analysis’ which always concludes that the conservatives in the Liberal Party are a bad influence, and that the party needs to embrace more progressive policies. Fairfax is also home to the Daily Life feminist website which features arch feminist and man hater Clementine Ford has its headline writer.
The Huffington Post is a news website that pretends to be objective but reports with a clear leftist bias. It is one of the many foreign news outlets that have set up an Australian website and joined our never-ending list of leftist online rags. It is also eager to cater for minority and oppressed audiences with sections dedicated to Black, Latino, Asian and Queer voices as well as a women’s and social justice section. Visiting its webpage on any day you would be forgiven that the US is in a constant state of chaos and Australia would be a utopia if it wasn’t for these evil conservatives being so stupid and evil. The type of articles you would generally get on The Huffington Post are “how poop eating worms could help save thousands of lives each year” and “I’m a gay dad and I want my son to know Bert and Ernie of ‘Sesame Street’ as a couple.“
SBS is another Australian government funded broadcaster, aimed with promoting a multicultural and diverse Australia. As such this year it has repeatedly attempted to deny that there is an African gang crime wave in Melbourne, and that reporting such is racist. Featured on its multichannels is an Indigenous network dedicated to airing the Aboriginal victim and white guilt narrative. It has also teamed up with the degenerate web magazine Vice to produce the Viceland channel which airs documentaries about vulgar fetishes and lifestyles, something that SBS main channel has been renowned for with its late-night soft porn movies, the network was also a supporter of same sex marriage, even though it is a government funded agency.
Vice Media like its own name says reports on and promotes the degenerate vices that pervade our modern world. It promotes cuckolding, promiscuity and bizarre and unhygienic sexual fetishes, all in a bid to gain eyeballs and clicks. It also embraces the social justice warrior intersectional millennial view of the modern world, warning about the dangers of cultural appropriation, yet wanting white characters in the media reinvented as coloured.
Mamamia is the women’s news website founded by Australian media feminist Mia Freidman. Its tagline is what women are talking about which would appear to be mindless celebrity fluff and poor lifestyle and parenting advice. It provided endless daily coverage to currently jailed in Columbia drug smuggler Cassie Sainsbury appearing to buy into her story of innocence. It of course buys into the feminist myths and likes to show its solidarity with the feminist sisterhood. It of course engages in its fair degree of man hatred with portraying men as sexual predators who should not be left alone with children. Rather than reporting on important news, it seems that they are instead caught up on talking about one of Scott Morrisons pictures that was photo-shopped, and about how Trump is terrified of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Junkee describes itself as a pop culture news website though has now got into the business of political commentary. Its news articles parrot the standard leftist talking points and campaigns on social justice issues such as same sex marriage and changing Australia Day. However it also adopts the abusive language of the left and gleeful reports of leftists displaying their typical bullying tactics. Recently they coined the St Kilda rally as Fraser Anning’s nazi march, whinged about Kelly O’ Dwyer’s resignation from the Liberal Party, and said that a bunch of young Trump supporters crashed a peaceful march and taunted a vietnam vet.