TNE 36 Kangaroo Court Wave
Men’s tennis number 1 Novak Djokovic is the latest victim of Australia’s Kangaroo Court Wave with constantly changing pandemic rules and mandates. I try to make sense of how well we are riding the Omicron wave on tonight’s Tim’s News Explosion.
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Both the internet and broadcast devices I use lagged on this show, probably fitting this occurred while I’m isolating as a close contact with Omicron-like symptoms. I took the Health Minister’s new advice to treat covid with simple paracetamol and keep hydrated. But with Australia recording now on average 100,000 new covid cases per part of the reasons emergency rooms and ambulances are under pressure is hypochondriacs seeking treatment when they test positive with mild symptoms. Some hypochondriacs are carrying around CO2 monitors to check the risk the air indoors will give them covid.
Dan Andrews was back at work today after a month off, although he didn’t lock Victoria down again he extended the pandemic declaration for another three months, mandated boosters some workers, closed indoor dancefloors and canceled the Australia Day Parade again. Child vaccinations of 5-11 year olds began today and more essential workers who are currently close contact can go back to work to help fix supply chain issues and food shortages.
Australia’s road to living with covid is slow going as the Novak Djokovic saga has demonstrated. Federal Court Judge Anthony Kelly ruled that the Home Affairs department did not follow due process to cancel his visa. However, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke still has discretionary powers to cancel his visa. The international incident has again put Australia’s covid measures and mandates into the spotlight.
People who are mad at Novak for obtaining a vaccine exemption should be mad at our governments for enforcing vaccine mandates and passports on us which haven’t slowed the spread. Northern Territory Chief Minister crazy eyes Michael Gunner last week announced a strict lockdown for the unvaccinated which ended today where they weren’t even allowed to work or go out for exercise.
After overcoming their Omicron wave England is going back to planning to live with covid, stopping at one booster, ending mass testing and reducing isolation further. An NHS Doctor spoke against mandatory jabs in front of Health Secretary Sajid Javid arguing his natural immunity is sufficient. However, in Wales, their First Minister Mark Drakeford is standing by his covid restrictions despite them making no difference to Omicron infection levels. The Netherlands has continued its lockdown while Canadian provinces are locking down over Omicron.
Following the flurona scariant in Israel last week this week saw the media hysteria about a new French-African variant with 46 mutations called B.1.640.2 or IHU which has only been found in 25 people in Southern France over the past two months. Then a scientist in Cyprus claims there may now be a Deltacron variant however according to virologist Tom Peacock this is like a genomic sequencing error due to contaminated samples from infected people.
LET NOVAK PLAY: The fight for Djokovic continues – Rebel News
Daniel Andrews CANCELS Australia Day Parade Again – XYZ
Daniel Andrews extends controversial pandemic powers for three months – Rebel News
The latest handbag accessory? The rise of carbon dioxide monitors – The Age
Unvaxxed Aussies Told They Won’t Be Allowed to Exercise or Go to Work – Summit News
Treat Covid like the FLU: Ex-chief of the UK’s vaccine taskforce calls for ‘new targeted strategy’ – Daily Mail UK
Sajid Javid directly challenged on mandatory coronavirus jabs by unvaccinated NHS doctor – Sky News UK
Mark Drakeford is an Idiot – Summit News
NewsLinks World Health Organisation says there is little reason to worry over new COVID-19 variant in France – Sunrise
New ‘Deltacron’ coronavirus variant discovered in Cyprus – Jerusalem Post