Yassmin Abdel-Magied Still Doesn’t Get It
Yasmin Abdel-Magied has once again played her victim card to land a job at the paragon of sensible journalism Teen Vogue Magazine, right next to instructional articles on anal sex and exposés on Selena Gomez’s see-through top. Her first article, true to form once again screams bloody-murder at the supposedly “racist” Australians who took her in at the age of two only to have her spit on everything they hold sacred twenty years later.
Naturally she lists the 1967 referendum on Aboriginal personhood and the abolition of the White Australia policy (which opened the doors for her to flee from her shithole country of birth) as bad things, because while right across the world, particularly in Muslim countries like Sudan segregation and even slavery still exist, Australia’s attempts to invent a new multicultural paradigm are yet more proof that Australia was racist to begin with.
If that’s not aggravating enough she reiterates all of the positions she has previously apologized for. Not only is Islam once again “the most feminist religion” but shitting all over ANZAC day was apparently no big deal because all she was doing was pointing out, yet again, that Australians are too racist to even exist.
This is of course exactly why she was asked to leave. She clearly has a problem with the way we do things. She seems to believe that not only must she not be asked to adapt to fit our way of life, but our way of life must be adapted to fit her, and that even questioning this is “racism”.
Apparently because she graduated High School along with 78% of Australians her age that gives her some right to criticize Australia for not liking being criticized by the likes of Abdel-Magied after giving her everything she has. She even links a Facebook post linking to an Unshackled article, but puts the words “ungrateful” in inverted commas, not to quote, but just to show her derision for the very idea she should show any gratitude for being rescued from Sudan in the first place.
She actually believes this is some sort of systematic oppression, that it’s not her personal disrespect of the rest of the country that had turned the rest of the country rightfully against her. She actually believes it’s her skin colour and not her abhorrent behavior that got her into trouble, demanding cultural sensitivity while apparently learning not a damn thing about the people she was lecturing.
Those same people had given her a job on the national broadcaster. Those same people who had paid for her education. Those same people that demanded nothing from her except that she not cause trouble. Those same people that told her to fuck off if she doesn’t like it here. Indeed she actually says “If ‘good behavior’ is required, that isn’t really equality.” And now she has fucked off instead of seeing it as an amicable divorce she’s decided to make her career out of sledging the country without which she would have died in poverty or been forcibly married to an older man in her early teens.
She finishes by saying she is no longer interested in “in centering those who refuse to see my humanity” whatever that means, because it “diminishes [her], [her] culture, and [her] agency.” Instead she’s going to focus on herself, her faith and her communities.
Her self.
Her faith.
Her community.
Because she was never part of the Australian faith, or the Australian community, it was always about Islam and Muslims at the cost of the host country and the host culture. I am not sorry she is gone and glad that we have rid ourselves of this cancer. I am glad she’s upset, because I’m upset. I am upset that once again we are being asked to feel guilty for building a good country, that we are being punished for allowing outsiders in with only the expectation of good behavior.
I don’t feel guilty, I feel like it was a mistake to let her family in in the first place, and I feel anger at the people enabling her to spew her anti-Australian hate all over the internet.