
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been at the G20 in Osaka, Japan this week. He had a warm working dinner with United States President Donald Trump who lavished praise on Morrison for his “tremendous victory” in the federal election.


Trump was eager to boast that he knew that ScoMo would win all along “He didn’t surprise me but he surprised a lot of people. I knew him. So I said, you’re going to do very well. And he did. They called it an upset but I don’t call it an upset”.

With border security a key election commitment of Trump in 2016 he is still in a battle to this day to have his southern border wall built. Currently NGO’s and open borders advocates are encouraging people in Latin America to make the journey to attempt to cross the US-Mexico border to try and break the President’s resolve.

ScoMo may have discussed Australia’s successful operation sovereign borders policy implimented when he was Immigration Minister in 2013 and we are now approaching five years with no authorized boat arrivals.

There was a brief surge in attempted boats illegal boat journeys following the federal election with people smugglers expecting like the pollsters did a Labor victory and a softening of policy.

Trump whether he had this discussion with Morrison or not was still clearly impressed by Australia’s border protection policies. He tweeted the warnings that various Australian governments had put out to would be asylum seekers attempting to come to Australia by boat.

Another populist politician who is odds on favourite to be the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson has also recently praised Australia’s immigration system. He sees it as something to emulate when the nation regains its sovereignty after the nation leaves the European Union.

Johnson in a speech on Thursday said although “We must be much more open to high-skilled immigration such as scientists, but we must also assure the public that, as we leave the EU, we have control over the number of unskilled immigrants coming into the country”.

While not committing to reducing net migration Johnson said the UK needed more stringent requirements for migration, including a firm job offer before arrival, the ability to speak English and blocking the ability to claim benefits immediately.

Of course there are many who don’t consider Australia’s immigration and border security to be strong enough. Figures have shown that 64,000 asylum claims have been made by those coming by plane between July 2014 and June 2018 with 7,600 were granted a protection visa.

Australia would also never consider a Trump style travel ban from Muslim majority countries with both parties committed to a non-discriminatory immigration policy. Australia’s overall net migration is only being reduced by 190,000 to 160,000 per year.

But Donald Trump and Boris Johnson turning to Australia on ways to strengthen their border control and more tightly control their immigration program is clear sign that there is a growing number of western leaders who are rejecting the globalists open borders mass immigration push.

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