Theresa May reveals her inner leftist in new ‘shared society’ plan

Theresa May has unveiled her vision for a new ‘shared society’ in a comment article written exclusively for The Telegraph. In a move set to send shockwaves within the Conservative party, May has revealed her inner leftist desire to expand government control over the economy as a method to resolve “burning injustices”. Traditional right-wing factions within the Conservative party, who support the free market as the most effective path to prosperity, will be appalled to find that their own party leader believes government should not simply “get out of the way”.
This sharply contrasts with David Cameron’s endorsement of a ‘big society’ that emphasises the role of charities in tackling inequality. While a true Conservative would consider inequalities to be a reality of life, and maybe even preferable, Cameron’s efforts are only minutely left-wing in comparison to May’s vision.
May defined her concept of the ‘shared society’ as one that “doesn’t just value our individual rights but focuses rather more on the responsibilities we have to one another”. This is practically a major tenet of Socialism, sacrificing the happiness of the individual in order to uphold collective responsibilities. It opposes the conservative and traditionalist approach, which aims at securing prosperity for the entire society without sacrificing the individual through the use of traditional conservative economics, namely free market capitalism.
The world has degenerated to such an extent that even a Conservative prime minister is actually left-wing at heart. The left has infiltrated Western politics to such an extent that even the right-wing is a minority within a stereotypically right-wing party. Who knew the day would come when the Conservative party’s leader would actually be a Socialist?
Yet the day has arrived, and May has flaunted her inner leftist by saying that it is the responsibility of the government to intervene in markets in order to “correct the injustice and unfairness that divides us wherever it is found”. While many conservatives would agree with some of her views, such as “that there is more to life than individualism and self-interest,” the problem stands out when May outlines her Socialist plans to promote such ideals.
This move also appears to be an attempt by May to appeal to working class voters who may traditionally vote Labour. Free market capitalism has traditionally been seen as the rich man’s economic theory, while Socialism was pushed by the left as the only option available for the working classes. But Theresa May, instead of demonstrating the ability of free market capitalism to help all individuals no matter class or creed, has resorted to cater for the ignorant masses by pretending to confirm that Socialism really is the way, when in reality it’s not.
This is nowhere more present than when she takes advantage of the Brexit vote in order to push this radical agenda by stating:
“It was a quiet revolution by those who feel the system has been stacked against them for too long – and an instruction to this Government to seize the opportunity of building a stronger, fairer Britain that works for everyone, not just a privileged few.”
May’s ignorance is profound when she confuses the Brexit result as a signal for the government to interfere in the economy. The Brexit vote wasn’t simply a revolution against the “privileged few”, it was a conservative and traditionalist effort to take back border control, escape a quasi-imperialistic protectionist union, and restore British sovereignty. This effort was supported by the working class man and the rich businessman alike in order to escape the clutches of the leftist European Union. If anything, the Brexit result was in fact a signal to restore free market capitalism, as the British people were no longer willing to suffer under a corrupt Socialist union headed by Germany.
The fact that May has misinterpreted the Brexit vote is more evident in her statement, “People who are just managing…need an active government that will step up and champion the things that matter to them”. The fallacy of this statement is made clear when considering the fact that people voted for Brexit exactly because they wanted to escape the “active government” that characterised the European Union. The EU’s big, active government was the main factor taking away Britain’s sovereignty.
But May is responding to the people’s call for small government, as symbolised by the Brexit vote, with more big government, which is what the British people were attempting to escape in the first place. The British people were trying to escape this over-controlling active EU government through the Brexit vote, but May is responding to the people by giving them exactly that?
May wants to “tackle the increasing lack of affordability in housing” and “fixing broken markets” with the same thing that actually led to them in the first place: government intervention in the economy. Instead of letting the market fix itself and help prosperity ensue, she has chosen to follow the flawed left-wing path.
In regards to education, May elaborated upon the “lower chances of white, working-class boys going to university”, reflecting a key misconception characterising today’s society when it comes to tertiary education. It has fallen victim to the false view that university is the only way to achieve success in life, when in reality university is only one way reserved for those who are eligible and suited for this path. Not all children are meant to go to university, and many should pursue other paths and ventures, yet today’s society is under the impression that university is meant for everyone. This view is not one of contempt, it merely seeks to preserve the diversity of ways available for people to become successful. If government made university available for everyone, then who would pursue other important paths that do not involve university? Children would blindly accept a university career instead of considering other options available. Education is meant to have an order, and the state’s efforts to make everyone enter university is a deviation of this order, as no one would be left to do everything else.
May’s efforts at building a “stronger, fairer Britain” are gravely mistaken and flawed. She has accepted Socialism as the answer to resolve the problems facing society today, problems that were created due to Socialist inspired policies in the first place. Britain’s future rests in May’s hands, especially the manifestation of the Brexit result and the United Kingdom’s ultimate departure from the EU. If May resorts to using methods that actually contributed to today’s problems in the first place, the United Kingdom has a very dreary outlook. This, along with the seeming deterioration of the Queen’s health, is a fatal combination from the perspective of conservatives who are trying so hard to preserve the foundations of a once-great country now grappling with a turbulent atmosphere brought forth by the regressive left.