Over 500 Wollongong Residents March Against Injection Mandates @ Reclaim The Line

wollongong reclaim white shirts november 2021 long pic 4

On Sunday we saw the Reclaim The Line event take centre stage throughout the whole nation. In the Capital cities, as well as major town centres, people rose up to ensure their voices were heard. Both young and old joined in unity to support the thousands of workers that had been fired for not taking the deadly experimental injection.


In the city of Wollongong, residents gathered in their hundreds to hear speeches from various professionals that had suffered under the tyrannical injection mandates. We saw a sea of white shirts, with many writing their occupation as well as how long they were in their role. We saw teaches, nurses, doctors, age care workers, disability workers, people that took care of our most vulnerable. Now we will see these industries face huge shortages, which will hardly help the people that they were looking after.


Once the speeches were over, we saw the crowd march together along the Blue Mile “North Beach”, from an area near Stuart Park to a spot close to the lighthouse and back. Many had joined the walk in support of their parents, their children, their siblings, or their friends. Despite the local radio station making no mention of the event but instead referring to a climate change rally that had taken place the day prior, there is no doubt that the message was out and Wollongong was no longer going to comply to these illegal health orders.


Around the country we saw tens of thousands turn out to fight against the coercion, the lies, the threats, and the intimidation, with Melbourne especially fighting against Dan Andrews proposed new pandemic laws. Thousands also gathered on the NSW/VIC border, as well as our other capital cities and regional centres. Both Victorian and New South Wales governments have recently announced that booster shots will eventually be needed if people are to want to continue being able to have the freedom to work in industries that have mandated it as well as shop in non essential businesses. Something that was considered a conspiracy theory now suddenly being proven a reality. The government has ordered enough injections for every man woman and child to be able to have up to 6 booster shots, so it is obvious that it was never about 2 shots and that the 3rd will be a temporary measure until one needs to seek a 4th and so on every 6 months after their last.


In New South Wales despite a change in leader, it seems like business as usual as the government chooses to continue to move the goal posts and delay any freedoms for the non jabbed. We were originally going to see a return to normality on the 1st of December when we were told that we would reach the 90% target. This will now be extended an extra 2 weeks to the 15th of December when we are told that we will see 95% of the state injected. Even if we were to miraculously reach such a figure, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has openly said that he would still not be satisfied with 95%. Does this mean it will go to 97% or 99% next? Will we ever see the non jabbed receive the same freedoms as the inoculated? They have already lied from the start when they initially said that it was going to be freedoms for the injected at 70%, and for the non injected at 80%. It seems like the narrative is constantly changing.


They have strategically deceived people into getting onboard with the premise that things would return to normal. Now some of the injected are beginning to realise that they had bought a lie and that it was never going to be 2 shots but a continuous amount that will either leave them very sick or even worse dead. Will this finally show that the injections are working? If people are lucky enough to not catch myocarditis, blood clots, become paralysed, or die, then it very well may end up being the case that the boosters end up being like insulin whereby people will require it in order to survive. We have not yet seen the full extent of the damage done to the immune systems of the jabbed, but after seeing many medical professionals prove that the vials contain graphene oxide, parasites, and other metals, it is definitely not going to be a good outcome. We can only hope that more and more people speak out and rebel against this tyranny, and that they choose correctly come the next federal election. The time is now to ensure that we truly do return back to normality, and we can never allow our leaders to pull such a stunt ever again.


Senior Editor @ The Unshackled

Damien Ferri

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