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Identity politics is a massive trend in this day and age, and gender politics is probably its biggest fad. Last year, the Democratic presidential nominee in the US Presidential election received most of her supporters because of one thing, her gender, proving correct the age old saying that a woman’s greatest weapon is what’s between her legs. Yes, many people voted for her simply because she was a woman, and this desire made the left blind to all her other actions.

But now we have another female presidential candidate somewhere far away, this time in the Republic of France. Passionate and patriotic, she could not be any further from the Democratic candidate. She is the female version of Donald Trump, a true patriot who wants to bring back control of France to the French. She is Marine Le Pen, and she is the female president that we actually want.

Marine Le Pen launched her presidential campaign for the French election this week in the city of Lyons under the banner of “Au nom du people”, which means “In the name of the people”. As the leader of the National Front, Le Pen stands firm on a platform bolstered by conservatism, nationalism and Euroscepticism. And that is why she may win the French presidency.

Not surprisingly, it’s her stronger-borders agenda that mainly unites her supporters. Economic nationalism and protectionism, which Marine propagates, has always been a point of contention among various right-wing ideologies, yet stronger borders, social conservatism, and patriotism are umbrella themes that unite the right. This has made sure that even economically conservative and traditionalist right-wing voters have switched their vote from France’s centre-right party to a more reactionary ray of hope. It was only yesterday that a survey revealed a majority of Europeans wanted a ban on Islamic migration, and their wish is Marine’s command.

Marine is adamant on saving the Republic, and the entirety of Europe itself, from the dangers of pan-European tyranny. She has made clear her views on the European Union and its agenda, unashamedly publicising its hidden purpose as “an absurd attempt of a German domination of Europe”. She has been critical of Angela Merkel, and has gone as far as stating, “Some people will say I am the ‘anti-Merkel’, and I accept this with honour’.

She is adamant on breaking the chain of submitting “blindly to a policy determined in Berlin, Brussels or Washington”, and instead ensure the “security, prosperity, and the defence of the identity of France”. This includes securing the personal freedoms of the French people by dismantling the surveillance state, a result of an unprecedented terror threat that has come about due to Merkel’s shenanigans.

She has called President Francois Hollande Angela Merkel’s “Vice Chancellor, administrator of the province of France”, referring to her country’s loss of sovereignty to the EU. Speaking of Hollande, she boldly stated, “A President of the Republic could not say sovereignty is declinism…because the President is the guardian of the French Constitution, and the first meaning of the French Constitution is sovereignty”.

When the British people voted to leave the EU, she celebrated with them by saying “Look at how beautiful history is when liberty succeeds and the will of the people can push things forward”. She expressed her joy over the Brexit result by exclaiming, “This is perhaps the most important historic event in the continent since the fall of the Berlin Wall”. She hailed it as “a signal of liberty and freedom sent out to the entire world”. And when the UK economy began to grow despite the apocalyptic language used by Bremainers, she praised the British people for showing “that you can leave the European Union and come out better. The catastrophic visions were nothing but a lie”.

Similarly, after Trump’s landslide win in the US election, she heralded the victory as a “massive return to the people”, as an effort by the people to “regain control of their destiny”. With regards to American foreign policy, she rightly stated that neo-conservatism contributed to the rise in Islamic fundamentalism in the first place, which encouraged her to further celebrate the defeat of Trump’s opponent.

Marine also plans on restoring the Franc, another symbol of her move to revive the “identity of France” not just in the name of the people, but also on behalf of its history, heritage, and traditions. But this also contains a more practical side, as she notes that “money is one of the elements of sovereignty”, which will deter other countries from imposing their policies on France. This will further contribute to Marine’s agenda to restore French sovereignty within its borders.

But the most defining act of her presidency would be a referendum to rescue France from the clutches of the EU. A ‘Frexit’ vote will follow in Britain’s footsteps and help France leave the European Union for good. This defining moment of a Le Pen presidency will not only save France, but it will also contribute to the ultimate collapse of the European Union and halt, as Marine says, “the vassalisation of other European peoples”.

Marine already leads the polls in France, and seems to have attracted people through her anti-globalisation and pro-stronger borders agenda. She is providing an alternative to the mainstream parties that have lost their touch with voters, a phenomenon witnessed throughout the Western world. Mass immigration and resulting terrorist attacks, along with the ravage left by modernity, such as an ever-growing presence of political correctness, have helped Marine herald herself as a saviour. It is time to restore France to her former glory, and make France great again.




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