
Hooded hacker. Cyber attack concept.

Neo-Nazi Larper Logic:

Feeling edgy today?. If you’re a true nationalist you might want to think about going for a bush hike later. Maybe take some pics of yourself Roman saluting a camera, and chanting “white power, Ku Klux Klan” at anyone you see along the way. If you’re skinny-fat and don’t lift, consider taking a pic with your shirt off in front of a burning cross, but don’t do this if you actually look good, because that would be narcissistic and homo-erotic.

You may also feel like beating up a black guy on camera too, just break all composure bro, optics are gay.

Make sure you publish all of this online, then stop by the police station on your way home, give them your phone and laptop and handcuff yourself. It’s called accelerating bro. And the police are white and polite, they’re on our side, trust me lol~

You might not have seen it yet, but this is pretty much what’s been said and done in my country over the last few months and it’s hard to watch.

The “racist neo-nazi” larp has gone too far, but I don’t believe anything I say from here will stop it. It has to run its course and it’ll end the same way it has for everyone else who’s ever tried it.

I don’t care that the leaders of the larp are either feds or egged on by feds, I don’t care that they’ll end up dead or in jail—and they don’t seem to care either, as long as they feel like they’re in the spotlight, I don’t think they really give a shit about much else, regardless of what higher ideal they claim to be representing.

But I do care about the damage they will inevitably do to the broader white community on their way down. I’ll do my best to minimise that damage with a more sensible and constructive message: self-improvement, good health, good aesthetics, family, and separation from the mainstream culture, and I’ll try to have some fun with it.

A great deal of experience has caused me to believe that the time isn’t right for individual talking heads and “glorious, special leaders sent by Providence to save us all”. I think a long-term cultural revolution spearheaded by the best of us, who can lead by example is the way forward.

The reason I believe this is because I’ve been in the spotlight and I’ve been a leader in politics. To be entirely honest, through trying to lead men and create groups for years I came to the conclusion that the quality of men required to build a truly nationalist organisation, which has a real chance at carrying out a political revolution and reviving a healthy nation, simply doesn’t exist. The idea is there but the men required to make into a reality are not.

Our men need to improve themselves first before they can even begin thinking about political groups, revolution or rebuilding a strong nation. They need to ditch this new right-wing victim mentality and stop blaming everything and everyone else for their own laziness and personal failures. They need to stop getting so emotional, take responsibility for themselves, and embody nobility.

This is why the focus of my posts now isn’t spelling you with rousing speeches because I don’t think there’s any point. With my new content I’m focusing on demonstrating how to lead a healthier lifestyle, how to challenge yourself at the gym, how to attract women, how to understand yourself and the people/dying culture around you, how to improve yourself as a man.

Interestingly, I haven’t received this much vitriolic hate from sock accounts since I first started speaking publicly, only this time it’s not from Marxists. It’s from a new, but paradoxically similar breed of anonymous degenerates. I’m glad I’ve opposed these guys openly, because many of them who sent me messages of support only weeks ago have now told me what they really think of me, and I’d rather know what people really think than have my ego stroked for doing and saying what they expect me to do and say.

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