Hungary’s Viktor Orban Believes Pro-Immigration Stance May Lead To Break Up Of EU
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned that the European Union (EU) may break up if one side imposes pro-immigration policies on the other. His administration has strongly opposed EU’s plans of redistributing migrants across the bloc:
“If we are let alone and they do not force Islamisation on us, Europe can continue to live as the club of free nations. But if they force us to accept the UN migration pact or the European Commission’s decisions so as to make us fit their own Western concessive policies, a breakup cannot be ruled out.”
Csaba Domotor, Hungary’s State Secretary of the Cabinet Office shared the opinion that EU wants to legalize immigration instead of controlling or stopping it:
“The plans reflect a clear intention: to legalize immigration rather than stop it. This intention is well served by the introduction of quotas, migrant bank cards and migrant visas.”
Orban’s party Fidesz is in danger of losing its European People’s Party (EPP) membership after launching a controversial nationwide poster campaign which targeted European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and George Soros for supporting illegal migration.
13 EPP member parties from 10 countries have lobbied for Fidesz to be suspended, pending possible expulsion.
Recently, the head of Prime Minister’s office announced that Hungary’s ruling party, Fidesz intends to remain as a member of EPP and the party will replace the anti-Brussels billboards.
He added that the accusations and attacks on Fidesz came from within the EPP specifically from groups that supported the idea of having mandatory migrant quotas.
German CDU head Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said in a recent interview with Der Spiegel. “They weaken and damage the EPP as a whole.”
Kramp-Karrenbauer added a warning for Budapest: “It’s up to the Hungarians to prove definitively that they still feel they belong to the EPP.”
The EPP currently holds 217 seats in the European Parliament, 12 of which belong to Fidesz.