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The violent nature pervading the left has recently taken new heights, making clear just how much the left endangers our safety and security. As a society, our attention since recent times has been directed at the violence emanating from Islam, leaving us oblivious to the equally violent proclivities of another group: the left. Such proclivities were in full display this week during the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, where hundreds of thousands of leftist protestors turned a prosperous city into a war-zone.

The violent turn of the modern left comes as no surprise to most of us in the right. In contemporary times, we were first exposed to it when celebrities began to incite violence against President Trump, such as Madonna, Sarah Silverman and Kathy Griffin. The left took it up a notch by hosting plays that showed Donald Trump being brutally stabbed. It then took a serious turn last month when a Bernie Sanders supporter shot Republican Congressman John Scalise simply because he didn’t like Trump’s rhetoric, which heightened the threat posed by the modern left’s regression. Please keep in mind that this is a political group that pretends to value tolerance and equality.

This week, in Hamburg, leftist violence took a more dangerous, and more organised, direction. It comprised of members from the infamous “Black Bloc”, which, contrary to popular opinion, is a loose group of protestors rather than an official centralised organisation. The protestors turned the German city of Hamburg into a ravaged war-zone using a host of tactics ranging from setting fire to cars to attacking police officers with iron bars, leaving at least 196 police officers injured. No wonder the left has no problem with Islam.

This isn’t the first time Germany has seen violence from the Black Bloc. In 2007, at least 400 police officers were injured after protestors wreaked havoc during a G8 summit in Rostock. This is not the only reason this week’s violence didn’t come as a surprise to many, as reports revealed that the Black Bloc was already planning a riot to take place simultaneously with the G20 summit. Both events carried the full regalia of the violence the left is capable of.

The approximately 100000 anarchists gathered from across Europe in Hamburg in order to demonstrate  against capitalism, globalisation, the apparent inaction against “climate change”, and Donald Trump. The fact that anarchist protestors arrived from across Europe shows the extent to which this event was organised, something that should send chills down our spine. As in every other leftist protest these days, the US President took centre stage in this week’s riot. Seeing as how the left is prepared to commit such massive acts of terror, it is not surprising that they would protest against a President intent on keeping Islamic terrorism away from the West.

Some protestors had the nerve to chant “Capitalism Kills”. This is despite the fact that Communism killed 94 million people in the 20th century alone, yet they still want “one more turn”. The absurdity and stupidity of the left is nowhere more visible than in its display of ingratitude towards an economic system that has provided them with such high living standards and prosperity. Never forget the evil origins of the left, it was founded on violence and murder. Originating as far back as the French Revolution, resulting in similar events in Russia and China, the legacy of the left’s violent origins were in full exhibit in Hamburg.

The Hamburg protests also showcased its very own anti-Trump women’s march. The unfathomably hilarious nature of this event is evident in the fact that feminists are protesting against a President who wants to secure the safety of women in the United States by imposing a temporary ban on Islamic migration and cracking down on illegal Mexican migrants. Funnily enough, the protestors were also rioting in support of world peace. Add that to the list of leftist irony.

In all seriousness, the violent regression of the left and its newfound use of terrorism endangers the lives and livelihoods of all of us. Terrorism is the use of violence for political purposes, and the events that brought Hamburg to its knees should be a classic example of that. The left has made clear its willingness to use violence in order to achieve its own goals even while having the nerve to call Trump supporters “Machiavellian”. We, the right, have been innocent. We have directed our focus on handling Islamic terrorism and our opponents in the liberal centre-left, yet we have not paid attention to the far-left. It is foolish to blame Islam alone for terrorism, the left is equally as responsible for and capable in the use of political violence. It is time to show the left for what it is: a terrorist group.

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