Malcolm Turnbull to Receive Prize for Open Immigration Policy
While Malcolm Turnbull is in Hamburg, Germany attending the G20 he will make a stopover in London to receive an award. He is the winner of the 2017 Disraeli Prize for his government’s non-discriminatory immigration policy. The prize is awarded by an allegedly conservative British think tank called Policy Exchange, the award is named after British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli for the reason that he was their first Prime Minister from a minority background. The award will be presented to him by current Home Secretary of the United Kingdom Amber Rudd.
In a statement, Policy Exchange elaborated on its reasons for awarding Malcolm Turnbull the honour: “Prime Minister Turnbull has maintained a strong non-discriminatory immigration program helping to make Australia a land of opportunity for peoples from all around the world,” adding, “He has also emphasized the importance of immigrants in Australia integrating successfully into the country’s mainstream – by acknowledging and respecting the predominant values of Australian life and society”. The Policy Exchange was also eager to talk up his credentials as a socially progressive leader with his support for same sex marriage, abortion and climate change action.
Malcolm Turnbull’s acceptance of this award is the ultimate insult to Australians who are currently unhappy about our current immigration program, given the problems it is causing in Australia. This includes the increasing Islamization of Australia whose consequences involve the risk of terrorism, female genital mutilation, forced and child marriages, rorts of taxpayers’ money, crime and restrictions of freedom of speech. The state of Victoria is also experiencing an extra form of cultural enrichment with the African crime wave.
The growth of Islam in Australia is very real with it rising from 2.2% to 2.6% of Australia’s population according to the 2016 census. Australians’ concerns about Islam were recorded last year with an Essential Media poll that stated that 49% of the population wanted a ban on Muslim immigration. Yet Malcolm Turnbull told us where he stood when he supported a bipartisan motion in Parliament last year to maintain a non-discriminatory immigration policy.
Let’s also not forget the famous Itfar dinner he held in 2016 at Kirribilli House, who among the guests were Waleed Aly, his wife Susan Carland, Yassmin Abdel-Magied and radical Imam Sheik Shady. Plus, the $625,000 of taxpayers’ money he gave to the Bachar Houli Cup which until recently was administered by disgraced AFL Diversity Officer Ali Fahour. Turnbull’s submission to Islam is on constant display.
Contrary to what the Policy Exchange claims about our immigration problem we are not feeling culturally enriched by all this immigration. It is quite ironic that this award is being presented by Amber Rudd given that the United Kingdom itself has been plagued by Islamic terror attacks this year, not to mention the Muslim rape gangs rampant over the past decade in that nation. If the Policy Exchange, Amber Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull think that our current immigration program is something to celebrate, they are seriously deluded.
While Malcolm may feel chuffed by receiving this award from a group of globalists and elites it is ordinary Australians who suffer under his current open border policy. Despite his government stopping the boats Australia still has a large refugee intake and net migration of 180,000 plus each year. Australians are not really feeling it is the land of opportunity with manufacturing moving offshore, power prices soaring, economic growth slowing and unemployment still at concerning levels. This is not the type of award that an Australian Prime Minister should want to receive and accept.