
The Northern Hemisphere has had its Christmas interrupted again. Various European nations are in a sort of semi lockdown or lockdown by stealth due to high new daily case numbers. In fact, the UK is at an all-time high with new daily case numbers now well over 100,000.

But we can’t blame it all on the new omiCON strain, case numbers were going up before it came along. Covid seems to be a normal winter occurrence now like birds flying south. Last winter when the north had its Christmas period case numbers were booming too, and it saw governments cancel Christmas.

Well Covid is doing it again during Christmas 2021, or the government and media overreaction to it that is. This might be surprising for many as they thought that the vaccine would have prevented further restrictions or lockdowns. Well it’s not, and it actually gives us in Australia an idea of what might happen to us when we go into our winter, regardless of how high the vaccination rate. We’ve had two winters interrupted by Covid and we shouldn’t think for a second that with a high vaccination rate we are going to be saved for our winter in 2022.

Australia’s various governments will probably continue running their little covid program and that involves restrictions and as much lockdown as they can get away with. And because it takes ages to keep vaccinating the whole nation with the vaccine protection from infection only lasting for 6 months on average, then every year we are going to have the same thing happen again. Vaccinate everyone, new strain comes along, vaccinate everyone again which takes many months, now a new strain comes along, it’s like a dog chasing its tail. We cant catch up to it.

If everyone could get vaccinated in a space of two months, then it could buy say 9 months of no need for covid restrictions until the new strain comes along, but because it takes 6 months to vaccinate everyone, the high restrictions stay for that whole period, then are dropped for only a month or two and then the new strain is here, and the government has to bring back restrictions again and start the whole cycle of vaccinating everyone again. Then when that rate hits 90% we can lift restrictions, it never ends.

Of course this is going off their playbook for the game. We don’t have to do any of this. But looking at how governments are keeping us in various rungs of restrictions true freedom is far far in the future. We havent had our Christmas as interrupted as in Europe but we still have to wear masks indoors, show covid passports, check in, and interstate and international travel is a pain. People need negative covid tests to travel and lines at the covid testing sites are massive. People had to wait hours and I’m sure many missed out on getting to their Christmas destinations. Supermarkets and chemists are constantly selling out of home rapid antigen tests.

Flights were also cancelled because of staff shortages due to positive covid cases having to isolate, that or because of the vaccine mandate, who knows these days. I honestly think that the communists sit down months before and plan out that covid cases will increase during key holiday times. It’s just that far too many outbreaks have occurred during holiday periods, omiCON cases are surging in Australia even though our hot summer is not known for being fertile ground for respiratory viruses to spread

It all comes down to what we will let them get away with doing to us. They can announce whatever they want, but it’s us who make the lockdowns occur by how we chose to behave and who we vote for. We are far enough into this to not get tricked by it anymore. Lambs to the slaughter, well not all of us have to walk to the slaughter. This whole thing is survival of the fittest. Are you going to let the government interrupt your holiday period again?

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