Bill Gates: Saviour for a New World Order

The COVID 19 virus has done many things. One thing it has done is to provide a brand new platform for the ubiquitous billionaire globalist Bill Gates to promote some of his dangerously wacky ideas for changing the world.
One name that keeps cropping up in all things COVID-related is that of Bill Gates. His is a household name already, of course, but Gates has somehow become an unofficial spokesman for the pandemic’s management, being interviewed by multiple news outlets, appraising the response of various governments and putting forward his pet projects as methods of controlling the coronavirus.
While Gates might appear to have taken up the slack left by governments who found themselves unprepared for this pandemic, in reality, managing diseases is his’ bread and butter, and he has staked a claim in many related industries as well.
From computers to contraception
Gates co-founded the computer software business, Microsoft, in 1975 and built it up into one of the world’s most indispensable companies. He worked at Microsoft on a daily basis until 2008, and still has an advisory role there. In 2000, Gates and his wife founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, hereafter known as BMGF, which in 2015 became the largest private charitable organisation in the world.
Gates has often spoken of the need for governments and agencies to work together, sharing information and projects. On one hand, it all sounds so wonderful: nations working together to solve the world’s problems with philanthropist Bill Gates leading the charge. But there’s one big problem with this scenario: Gates is absolutely committed to immoral practices such as abortion, abortifacient contraception and population control and is a thought leader in the climate change scam. Aside from that, a global government – something John Horvat (Tradition, Family and Property – TFP) refers to as ‘reverse-subsidiarity’, is diametrically opposed to Catholic Social teaching.
Bill Gates’ commitment to ‘reproductive health’ stems from his childhood. Gates was raised in a family that taught him the dubious value of abortion, contraception and eugenics. His father, Bill Gates Sr, sat on the board of abortion giant Planned Parenthood before Roe vs Wade. Gates Sr also sat on the board of the charitable group, United Way, with which his wife – Bill Gates’ mother – was also involved. United Way also has ties to the abortion industry. According to the United Way website, just under one-tenth of one per cent of their donations fund abortions and while this figure may seem insignificant, it equates to a cool USD $3 million annually. Gates Sr is now co-Chair of the Gates Foundation.
Apart from Bill and Melinda Gates, the Foundation is also headed by billionaire investor, Warren Buffett, who is another big supporter of child sacrifice. Buffett pledged most of his fortune to BMGF in 2006, but that hasn’t hindered him from being the biggest funder of abortion in the United States. Over 2017-18, Buffett donated USD $77 million to Planned Parenthood, enough to pay for around 150,000 first-trimester abortions.
BMGF is stacked with pro-abortion employees of all stripes. Its’ ‘family planning’ department includes such luminaries as a former Director of Marie Stopes’ Global Partnerships, a former CEO of the Guttmacher Institute, and a former head of the pro-abortion Packard Foundation’s India program.
Gardasil and other HPV vaccines
Another suspect Gates’ employee is the deputy director of Vaccine Surveillance and Development, David Robinson, who previously worked for Merck. While his bio speaks glowingly of his many achievements at Merck, it unsurprisingly fails to mention that one vaccine he helped approve may have led to the deaths of dozens of women. Robinson worked on chemistry, manufacturing and controls for the infamous Gardasil 9 vaccine; more than 20 women are reported to have died unexpectedly after receiving this vaccination, and thousands have reported serious side effects.”
Gardasil and other vaccines used to prevent cervical cancer deserve particular scrutiny in this report. The vaccine works by preventing some infections caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer. HPV is sexually-transmitted so lifestyles which promote abstinence and monogamy are extremely effective in the prevention of cervical cancer.
Apart from noting the Gates’ preoccupation with this vaccine, its continued use despite well-documented reports of side-effects, can teach us a valuable lesson when it comes to the prevention of COVID-19. The body ultimately responsible for the continued use of HPV vaccines is the WHO. The WHO relies on advice from the GACVS – the Global Advisory Committee for the Safety of Vaccines – a supposedly independent group of scientific experts drawn from the four corners of the globe.
The GACSV has continued to clear these harmful vaccines despite their well-documented side-effects. The group is responsible for implementing vaccine campaigns, training participating nations but also for monitoring its own work. There is obviously a huge conflict of interest when any entity is its own watchdog. Furthermore, part of GAVCS’ core mission is to demythologize the ‘fake news’ surrounding vaccines. To this end, the WHO runs a training program which teaches governments and other authorities how to play down an adverse reaction to a vaccine, such as a death. Chillingly, this online spin program uses a real-life death due to the HPV vaccine as a case study.
But there is more. When the second global meeting on vaccine safety was held in 2016, Bill and Melinda Gates weren’t just delegates – they co-convened the conference and helped fund it. The Gates were also instrumental in developing a Global Vaccine Plan, which is run by a Leadership Council including none other than Presidential advisor to Donald Trump, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
All of this begs the question: is this the same group that will clear a potential COVID-19 vaccine and can they be trusted?
Gates’ vaccine track record
Gardasil is not the only harmful vaccine that Gates has been involved with. Immunisation programmes in India and Pakistan in 2014, which led to the deaths of several infants, were funded by Gates-affiliated entities. This campaign led to an enquiry by the Indian Supreme Court. Authorities in that country were outraged to discover that the body charged with evaluating the effectiveness of the vaccine programme and its failures was also associated with the Gates Foundation. Unsurprisingly, this study concluded that the vaccines in question were safe.[9]
Additionally, in 2015, the Kenyan government ran a vaccination campaign ostensibly aimed at eradicating tetanus in that country. It should be noted that there was no outbreak of tetanus at that time. The vaccines were provided to the government free of charge by UNICEF and the WHO, but when those organisations experienced a shortfall in their allotted funding, the balance of funding was provided by the BMGF.
This campaign was notorious for the side effects experienced by the Kenyan women who were given the vaccine: inexplicably, the government’s campaign targeted only women of child-bearing age. Subsequent testing revealed that the vaccine was tainted with HCG, an antigen that is used in anti-fertility vaccines.
This brings us to the Gates’ relationship with the World Health Organisation.
Bill Gates and the WHO
A search for BMGF on the WHO’s website yielded more than 2300 entries – granted some of those are duplicates due to their translation into other languages. But the search did reveal a few things of import:
- BMGF is not an underling of the WHO, but is an associate – on equal footing and sometimes working alongside the WHO to assess its activities. This revelation goes a long way towards understanding how Bill Gates has become a prominent identity during the corona-crisis.
- The global digital tracking initiative which Gates has been suggesting in relation to COVID-19 has already been implemented by BMGF in developing nations.
- Named the AVADAR Project, it was implemented by WHO in collaboration with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and with upstream technology support from Novel-T. AVADAR uses an SMS based app that reports the incidence of specific diseases in developing nations. The app uses the Global Positioning System to track outbreaks and clusters and the information goes into a database. Health workers and specified community members input data and also receive alerts, which are similarly sent to state and national health authorities. In a Nigerian polio campaign, the WHO donated over 6,000 Global Positioning System (GPS) android enabled phones and accessories to citizens of that nation.
A globalist hydra
With 1.2 billion people around the world using Microsoft products, Gates’ work has become almost indispensable. But it’s a little disconcerting to realise just how many pies the Gates Foundation has its fingers in. For example, in the case of the management of the coronavirus pandemic, the Gates’ are involved in:
- Vaccine development: working on a vaccine via the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which they co-founded in 2017
- Vaccine production: liaising with governments, the private sector, and multilateral institutions to ensure a vaccine is mass-produced quickly and is cheap and easily accessible.
- Modelling: predicting the tracking of the virus and advising on containment methods.
- Surveillance: digital tracking of the spread of coronavirus via phone apps. Eg BMGF has been working in Africa since early February providing surveillance methods and training in 35 African nations.
- Tech and diagnostics: developing tests for the corona-virus
- Social support: financially supporting organisations that cater to the vulnerable
- Education: developing online learning platforms & researching methods for accelerated learning
- Finance: providing loans to ensure that poorer countries have access to medical supplies, funding pharmaceutical companies which will produce COVID-19 products Funding trials of potential treatments and providing funding for students.
This multi-level involvement explains how Gates came to be at the forefront of attempts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. But his organisation is also involved in a host of other activities unrelated to this pandemic. These include: provision of financial services for the poor, especially digital services; curriculum development for K-12 in the US & developing nations; water, sanitation and hygiene and epidemic preparedness; development of nuclear energy for domestic use; agriculture; medical technology; internet provision and training; provision of libraries in developing nations and also the US – these libraries are specifically designed to promote the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
It is clear that Gates’ population control ideology is introduced, financed and implemented across a vast spectrum of entry points. The Foundation also works with bodies such as governments and the World Bank to secure funding for projects and then at the local level to distribute those funds. The foundation exerts a huge influence in the development policy of many nations in the areas of foreign aid, natural resources and economic reform, such as evaluating a country’s taxation system and budget.
Thus it can be seen that Gates enjoys a global influence greater than that of any single government or entity. It is also obvious that many nations are indebted to his foundation – either materially or intellectually. His influence is far-reaching and tangible. This kind of reverse-subsidiarity is the very definition of technocracy, which is defined by journalist Leo Hohmann as, “a new global order in which capitalism and free enterprise are replaced by a hybrid form of socialism and crony capitalism like that which enslaves the population in China.”
Gates’ Grand Design
In 2010, BMGF announced a ‘Decade of Vaccines’ and challenged the world’s health community to join them in eradicating many of our most harmful diseases. Five years later, Gates introduced his pet project of using digital tracking to monitor health. These legitimate and helpful uses of digital media softened the way for the kind of social surveillance and control which operates in China, but to which the West has an extreme aversion.
Gates makes no secret of the world he’s trying to create. He advocates for global surveillance of disease outbreaks and wants countries to be forced to share that information by law. He also wants to see vaccine production accelerated so that they can be produced as soon as a new virus’ genome is sequenced. This means that there may be no long-term studies of new vaccines and treatments.
In Bill Gates we see a nexus of control over health, politics, surveillance, finance, energy, water and digital industries, making him a perfect frontman for a global economy. Coupled with his influence on social norms such as family size, it becomes obvious that Gates has been behind plans for a One World Government – nothing other than Freemasonic attempts to create a socialist utopia – for decades. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano comments on this toxic goal:
“What you call utopia is actually a dystopia, because it represents the realization of Freemasonry’s plan and the preparation of the advent of Antichrist. I am also convinced that the majority of my Brothers and even more so, almost all priests and the faithful, are not aware of this hellish plan at all and that recent events have opened the eyes of many.”
This article was originally published by Family Life International and has been republished by The Unshackled with permission.