Annual ARIA Awards Hijacked by the Left

The media and entertainment industries are known for being teeming with leftists, Australia’s is no different. However, our awards nights haven’t been tainted by acceptance speeches virtue signalling on the social justice issues of the day, until now.
The Australian music industry’s annual ARIA awards were held last night, and ordinary Australians were subjected to even further attacks on their character and Australia’s culture and history.
This was carried out during the acceptance speech of the rap group A.B. Original made up of two rappers Briggs and Trials who won Best Urban Release and Best Independent Release. Much of their music revolves around indigenous identity and their latest album is provocatively titled Reclaim Australia.
Briggs claim that creating an album which spouted identity politics and anti-white racism was actually quite a challenge “We made ourselves extremely uncomfortable trying to make this record…trying to upset those rednecks. They were vocal, but we just had the better album”. The reality is of course that creating art that fits a leftist narrative is easiest way to get praise in such an industry.
The two ARIA awards were not the only accolades A.B. Original picked up for their album. Last week they won the J Award for Album of The Year which is awarded by the ABC’s youth radio station Triple J. This is the station that has just made the decision to move their annual Hottest 100 countdown from Australia Day out of respect for indigenous sensitivities.
Of course, A.B. Original thought that this was a fantastic decision with Briggs telling the Guardian “I think it’s a good trajectory for the industry, and it’s also a good indication of how the majority of people feel,” adding “They’re reasonable folks who know that Australia Day is trash and we can’t enjoy the countdown that includes our songs on that day.
A.B Original weren’t the only Australian music group to virtue signal during their acceptance speech. Gang of Youths who won three awards including Album of the Year for their album Go Farther in Lightness, their lead singer Dave Le’aupepe claimed the band’s diversity was its strength stating, “We’re all immigrants to this country, and this country was built on a strong Indigenous people and on the backs of immigrants”.
Added to this leftie love in was an act of degeneracy with musician Kirin J Callinan wearing a kilt to the awards without underwear and decided to flash his penis to the cameras on the red carpet.
One despairs for the future of Australian music if this is the new generation of artists. Will there be any music that is produced that does not contain attacks on Australian society and its people? The Australian music industry appears to be another cultural institution that has been hijacked by the left.