I Stand With Chris Lilley

Comedian Chris Lilley has become the latest victim of Australia’s social justice warrior industry, with the world renowned former Summer Heights High star finding himself on the receiving end of online abuse after posting a supposedly racist video yesterday. Lilley, who rose to fame for his hilarious portrayal of fictional characters including private schoolgirl Ja’mie King and school yard bully Jonah Takalua, posted a satirical music video — Squashed N***a, via his Instagram account over the weekend. Almost immediately, suggestions were made by various self-appointed moral arbiters that Lilley had done so with the intention of satirising the recent Elijah Doughty saga.
In response to the allegations, Lilley issued a response via his Twitter account, explaining how the clip was not posted as an attempt at mocking the Doughty story, but rather, was done so with the intention of providing his fans with a sense of nostalgia relating to his previous work. The satirical music video was in fact originally created in 2009, years before the Doughty incident even happened, and Lilley often uses social media to share clips of his earlier work in order to remain engaged with his followers. Nonetheless, the incident has made national headlines, with the comedian now being widely condemned as a racist.
The left, not satisfied with the man who Doughty stole from being incarcerated for three years, having his home burned down, and his family being forced to relocate interstate, have now made it their mission to go after others. Lilley, whose light hearted comedy has won him so many fans — not just in Australia but also across the world, is just the latest victim. In order to defend free speech, artistic freedom, and also, most importantly, common sense, the silent majority of average Australians must defend Lilley against the lies and misrepresentations of the left. I stand with Chris Lilley. Do you?