Catalonia Has 3rd Largest Muslim Population In Western Europe

Catalonia, one of the most affluent and industrialized regions of Spain, is now home to the third-largest Muslim population in Western Europe.
From 2011 to 2015, the number of Muslims in Catalonia ballooned to 19.5 %. That translates into 83,000 newcomers in 4 years.
Catalan officials blame Madrid’s central government for the regions’ ongoing economic uncertainty and not immigration.
Despite threats of terrorist attacks, Ada Colauhe, the mayor of Barcelona approved the budget of 100,000 euros available to an observatory “against Islamophobia”.
Catalonia’s links to jihadists and Salafism, a radical form of Islam has been known for a decade and radical Islamists believe that the province is destined to become an Islamic caliphate.
The Islamist-Separatist alliance is so strong that some 10,000 Catalans with links to the separatist movement even converted to Islam in recent years.
In 2017, Lorenzo Vidino, director of a program on extremism at George Washington University and author of a study on Salafism in Catalonia wrote:
“The Catalan province, especially the area surrounding Tarragona [a port city in northeastern Catalonia], have been a Salafi hotbed for years, and one of the reasons is that it houses the highest numbers of Salafist mosques in Europe.”
Terrorist attacks in Barcelona in 2017 did not stop Madrid’s multiculturalism platform.
The radical separatists sell the land they “love” so much to people of different cultures and traditions.
The number of migrants continues to grow and cities like Barcelona are following the London path where non-European population is reaching more than 30%.
There are now 1 million immigrants in a population of 7 million in Catalonia and the weak efforts of the patriots are not enough to block the Islamization of the region. If Catalonia wins independence, it will be the first Islamic state of Western Europe.