GREENS Dr. Mehreen Faruqi Twitter-SILENT on Sharia Law beheaded 37

GREENS Dr. Mehreen Faruqi Twitter-SILENT on Sharia Law beheaded 37

Mehreen Faruqi has offered no comment on Twitter on the 37 people, mostly from Shia minority, who have been beheaded in Saudi Arabia. She has not spoken out about this issue or the issue that the government, based in Riyadh, displayed the mutilated body of one of them on a pole. The ultra-conservative kingdom said on Tuesday.

Her Twitter feed has mostly been about Greens propaganda and childcare. She has not denounced the beheadings.

In a statement, Riyadh said those killed were found guilty of attacking security installations, killing security officers and cooperating with what it called “enemy organizations.”

Lawmakers added that the men were charged with “adopting terrorist extremist ideology, forming terrorist cells” and harming the “peace and security of society”.

One of the men executed was aged just 16 at the time of his arrest, according to Amnesty International.

The Unshackled is here to hold Dr. Mehreen Faruqi to account on this. Share this around and let everyone know.

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