Did Penny Wong just call a brown man a White supremacist?


Did Penny Wong just call a brown skinned former Muslim from an Indian family who migrated to England from Africa a “White supremacist”?

Senator Penny Wong the leader of the opposition in the Senate yesterday used both her Twitter account and her parliamentary privilege to denounce the Conservative Political Action Conference being held in Sydney next weekend.

Penny Wong calling a pro Israel conference with multi ethnic speakers anti Semitic and white supremacist.

Senator Wong described the CPAC event being held for the first time in Australia as an “extremist breeding ground” trying to import “anti-Semitism, white supremacy and bigotry”. She followed up her comments online by further attacking the conference on the floor of the Senate declaring it an “academy to learn the dark arts of hate speech” and blasted the Coalition MPs Craig Kelly and Amanda Stoker who have announced that they will be attending.

Kristina the ALP attack poodle strikes again. Wake me when she objects to revolutionary Marxists entering the country for Socialism conferences

What prompted this eruption of accusations was the attempt by Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and Shadow Minister for Home Affairs Kristina Keneally’s to stop Raheem Kassam, a former chief advisor to Nigel Farage and editor-in-chief of Breitbart from entering Australia to speak at the conference.

Raheem finds it all a bit strange.

So Senator Wong’s ringing denunciation of “anti-Semitism, white supremacy and bigotry” was in relation to the Visa of a brown skinned man who is best known for editing a pro-Israel online news site founded by the Jewish journalist Andrew Breitbart while he was visiting Jerusalem specifically to be an outlet to defend Israel and which has an Israeli branch.

Well said.

Only in a world this crazy with a media establishment entirely subservient to the leftist narrative could Senator Wong get away with spouting dribble this wrong. She has essentially just called a brown man a white supremacist and accused a staunch supporter of Israel of being an anti-Semite.

As we’ve seen recently the far left is growing ever more liberal in their accusations of “racism” and “bigotry” and their application of the term “White Supremacist”. An organiser of the Anti-Adani campaign just this week implied that former Greens Senator Andrew Bartlett, a group of Falun Gong practitioners and a Tibetan monk were fostering “an atmosphere of white nationalism” by protesting the Authoritarian Chinese Communist regime.

In a more sensible world Wong would be laughed at for many reasons. This is just one more.

Author Details
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
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