Where is the US Unrest Heading Post-Election Day?

In the lead up to US Election Day the nation has experienced another period of civil unrest, chaos, and destruction. The trigger was the death of 45-year old African-American George Floyd in the Great Lakes city of Minneapolis, Minnesota after an incident of police brutality on Monday 25th of May.
2020 has been a tumultuous year like no other, even more so in the United States. The nation has seen the most deaths from the coronavirus worldwide and is experiencing a second wave along with the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. State and local government-mandated economic shutdowns have devastated the lives of many Americans
The unrest has set the scene for the high stakes Presidential and congressional election on November 4th. The Democrat Presidential ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running on the most left-progressive big-government platform in US history.
The Antifa-Black Lives Matter Alliance
President Trump after the initial wave of looting, rioting and unprovoked violence in major US cities after George Floyd’s death Trump vowed if city mayors and state governors failed to maintain law and order he would launch a federal law enforcement response.
Far-left Marxist extremist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been at the forefront of this new period of unrest to further their political campaign of terror and promote their totalitarian and socialist ideology.
BLM and Antifa have also taken it upon themselves to vandalize federal monuments and pull down statues of historical figures, they deemed racist.
The worst breakdown of public order has occurred in the cities and states on the US West Coast. These cities and states are all run by Democrats and are blue states in Presidential elections.
In Seattle, Washington the Antifa-BLM alliance set up what they called the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) which they later renamed the Capital Hill, Occupied Zone. The zone existed from June 8 to July 1 covering six city blocks and a park. The city authorities finally dismantled the zone after the violence and killings that occurred within it.
In neighbouring Portland, Oregon the city which gave birth to the modern Antifa terrorist movement the already existing civil unrest turned the city into an almost nightly warzone. The Mayor of Portland Democrat Ted Wheeler who has enabled the rise of Antifa over the years even found himself subjected to Antifa terrorism with his apartment complex firebombed.
Antifa terrorist Michael Forest Reinoehl murdered Trump supported Aaron Danielson also known as Jay Bishop on the streets of Portland on August 29. A federal manhunt for Reinoehl ended on September 3 when US Marshals shot and killed him after he attempted to fire an automatic weapon on the Marshals.
The communist political terrorism in US has been overall excused or played down by the social media giants, mainstream media, progressive politicians, celebrities, and woke corporations.
Social Media and the Election
With coronavirus infections and attributed deaths continuing the United States we saw both party conventions take place virtually not in stadiums or convention centres as is tradition. US election days are fixed by the US Constitution and cannot be moved so Tuesday, November 3 all Americans will be voting for their next President, Congress and other positions.
So that the elections can be “CovidSafe” Democrats and left Republicans have been promoting mail-in voting, something that has not occurred at a nationwide level in massive numbers. President Trump who campaigned against and warned about voter fraud in 2016 has spoken out on the for potential fraud and mismanagement that mail-in voting can result in.
Trump’s tweets criticizing mail-in voting have been repeatedly “fact-checked” with Twitter linking to mainstream media articles defending mail-in voting. Trump’s most recent tweet about mail-in voting was deemed by Twitter to violate their rules about civil and election integrity.

Both Twitter and Facebook have turbocharged their alleged ‘independent fact-checking’ network in 2020 and President Trump was their prime target. Twitter first started putting these rules violation notices on Trump’s tweets when Trump vowed action to stop the George Floyd riots.

After Trump was diagnosed with and subsequently recovered from covid Twitter claimed Trump violated their rules for ‘spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19’ because Trump said he is now immune from the virus are minuscule cases of reinfection worldwide.

Go Woke. Get Looted
Corporate virtue signalling has not saved major retailers from having their stores looted. The expression go woke go broke in regard to has turned into go woke get looted. Nike and Target were looted while an Amazon delivery truck was hijacked. Woke small business owners have been looted despite screaming at the looters they are on their side or having signs on their shopfronts that either say they support Black Lives Matter or are black or minority owned.
Corporations like Ben and Jerry’s, Chick-fil-A and Bank of America have responded by going even woker, releasing statements denouncing racism and supporting the dismantling of white supremacy. Sports leagues such as the NBA have engaged in Black Lives Matter virtue singlling throughout the year. As a result the NBA in 2020 found their ratings plummet by 65%
Subsequent Racially Charged Deaths
The death of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, Georgia after he stole a police taser and pointed at officers outside a Wendy’s after police responded to call of a vehicle blocking the drive-thru. The Wendy’s was burnt down by rioters and the officer who shot Brooks dead Officer Garrett Rolfe has been charged with felony murder.
The police shooting of black criminal Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August triggered rioting and looting again the Great Lakes region of the US. It was Blake went into his car to retrieve a firearm and that’s when police opened fire shooting him in the back seven times. Blake did not die but has been permanently paralysed.
With weakened US city police departments as part of the defundthepolice movement constitutionally protected militias have been patrolling lawless cities overrun by Black Lives Matter and Antifa to protect lives, property and businesses.
Kyle Rittenhouse
Enter 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse who travelled from Illinois for Wisconson as part of a constitutionally protected militia group to help protect businesses and to take part in repairing damage to buildings in Kenosha damaged by the rioters.
On August 25 during another night of unrest, Rittenhouse in self-defence shot and killed two Antifa terrorists: Anthony Huber and known pedophile Joseph Rosenbaum, and also injured domestic abuser Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse was slapped with six charges including two first degree murder charges with bail set at $2 million USD
Attorney Lin Wood volunteered to defence Rittenhouse who has received an outpouring of support and offers for legal help. After GoFundMe removed a legal defence fundraiser Lin Wood who has recently won Nicholas Sandmann $500million for defamation launched the fightback fund to hold the fake news media and the radical left to account.
Unrest As An Election Issue
Despite Biden denying that Antifa was even an organisation just an idea in the first Presidential debate, he has had condemned the riots and looters as Democrat silence on the violence and description was affecting him in the polls. Trump and the Republicans have again pitched themselves as the party of law and order. To counter the defundthepolice movement they launched the defendthepolice and Blue Lives Matter slogans.
But the BLM-Antifa alliance has continued rioting during the election campaign. The most recent flare up was in Philadelphia when two local police when called to the scene of a domestic dispute where 27 year old Walter Wallace Jr lunged towards them with a knife and they had to fatally shoot him.
Post Election Violence Fears
In Washington DC and other major US cities where civil unrest has occurred in 2020 businesses have boarded up their shopfronts fearing what the reaction might be to the election result. In a sign that these businesses only fear far-left violence, some shopfronts have written on their shop boards ‘Black Lives Matter’ hoping they might be spared from any rioting and looting.
The mainstream media have of course claimed that it is Trump who is inciting post-election unrest by refusing to say if he will accept the outcome. An unclear result with so many mail-in ballots is a live possibility. The close Presidential of 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore wasn’t resolved until December 13, five weeks after election day.
Although Australians are currently barred from international travel our Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT) SmartTraveller website still put out a red alert not travel warning due to be potential violence during the election period.

Election Day for the United States is now finally here. But the results or consequences from that result in this most tumultuous of years is the most unpredictable of factors.