
The UK Army has sent out an internal leaflet to all its personnel instructing them to be on the lookout for and report on individuals within the army who exhibit “extreme right wing” views.


The flyer goes into detail about how should be considered “extreme right wing” (XRW) with the bar set incredibility low. Individuals who describe themselves as “patriots”, refer to opponents as “traitors”, criticize “indoctrination” and “political correctness, or who made “untruthful” or incorrect” references to “immigration, Judaism and Islam.

Other warning signs are describing multicultural towns as “lost”, generalizing about the “left” and “the government”, have concerns about threats to “national identity” and deny that “Jews” and “Muslims” are not races. Supposed defencivness and proud display of one’s “extreme right wing” views are also warning signs.

The flyer at the bottom encourages anyone concerned about the behaviour of a member of the army to report their concerns to the Corps of Commissionaires and the Army Warning, Advisory and Reporting Point (WARP) for further investigation.

If this flyer had been issued in the 1940s Britain would have lost the Second World War. If it is “extreme right wing” to call yourself a patriot and opponents traitors then what is the point in having an Armed Forces? You may as well surrender your nation to the globalists now.

The flyer has been verified by multiple media outlets as an official UK Army document first made in 2017. Many suspect this flyer was issued to crush support in the Army for UK nationalist figures such as Tommy Robinson who Army officers posed for a photo with in October 2018.

The flyer became public over the last 24 hours after it was spread online forums such as Reddit and 4chan, leading to both widespread outrage and mockery over the warped defence priorities of the UK Army.

Many are left wonder if such anti-nationalist thought has reached the leadership of the UK’s main defence force then what hope is there for the future defence of the nation?

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