Number Of Protected Illegals In Germany Is Rising

In response to a request made by AfD member, Lars Herrmann, the Federal Government released data on the number of illegals protected from deportation. Of the 241,932 persons who should have left the country by March’s end, 185,732 were tolerated.
Majority of the tolerated asylum seekers came from Afghanistan (15,747), Iraq (13,987) and Nigeria (8,046). In September 2018, 176,733 people were tolerated in the Federal Republic, by the end of 2017 there were 166,068.
“The subsequent legalization of hundreds of thousands of unauthorized migration is in full swing – the keywords are training toleration and employment toleration,” Herrmann complained.
Following a fierce debate in parliament, German lawmakers passed new migration law which includes “Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz” or the Orderly Repatriation Law.
The new law aims to significantly increase the number of successful deportations. It is expected to improve the chances of asylum seekers to join the labor market for skilled migrants. The policy package earned opposing views among parliament members.
Interior Minister Horst Seehofer from the Christian Social Union, the Bavarian sister party of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), insisted that the legislation was necessary to ensure failed asylum seekers would be deported.
“This is a turning point in our migration policy,” Seehofer said in the Bundestag, adding that in his eyes “this migration package creates a set of rules that respects humanity and order.” He also stressed the importance of granting foreign skilled workers better access to Germany’s labor market.
Ulla Jelpke, a member of Die Linke, labeled the new legislation a “catalog of atrocities” and said it amounts to “currying favor with racists.”
Jörg Schindler, Die Linke’s secretary-general, called the policy package “unconstitutional.”
The Greens’ Filiz Polat spoke of a “dark day for democracy” while the far-right Alternative for Germany’s Gottfried Curio said that if so many deportations failed, “maybe we should protect the borders.”