Muslim Leaders Urge Australian Parents to Stop Watching Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig, a favourite children’s television program on the ABC has come under fire from Islamic Leaders.

According to The Australian, Head of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, who we should remember was invited to the Iftar dinner hosted by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull back in June, believes that shows such as Peppa Pig are corrupting children. Sheikh Alsuleiman is urging parents to embrace a Muslim alternative to the show. The ANIC has encouraged parents to raise funds for this and other TV shows that support Islamic values.

This statement of course is coming out at the very time that a new Muslim children show has been launched.

Baraka Hills is set to be released by Sydney Company One4Kids, who specialise in producing children shows with Islamic themes. The new show is about a Muslim family living in a small town with a Muslim predominate population. The One4Kids Zaky & Friends Facebook page wrote “Barakah Hills represents an ideal Muslim community and is targeted to a post-toddler, pre-school demographic of children.” The show’s main objective is to show children what it is like to be a practicing Muslim as well as a good citizen in their community. The Peppa Pig alternative sees Peppa Pig and brother George replaced with Muslim children Omar and Laylah.

One of the proposed episodes to be produced by the company is title “Daddy gives his first Khutbah”, for those who don’t understand the word Khutbah, it serves as the primary formal occasion for public preaching in the Islamic tradition.

It will be very interesting to see how the left respond to this program, in the above statement it’s clear to see that the program is not inclusive at all but instead a Muslim indoctrination program. Instead of embracing the multicultural aspects of Australia, this Sydney film company is embracing a segregated Muslim community and promoting how to live as a Muslim but not as an Australian. This is quite the opposite of the media produced by most political correct TV producers now, especially in Children’s TV across the Western World.

Now of course there are Christian children cartoons produced as well, but it is almost unheard of for Christian organisations to release press releases discussing the new show and then attacking a secular TV Show. It is also rare for the mainstream media to write multiple articles about such TV Shows. So why on this occasion is this all over the press, the articles published so far are not really painting the show or press release in a bad light, it seems that the left-wing media want to promote this show. What’s next, will we see the ABC pick up the show and broadcast it to our children on masse? Maybe it will form part of the new ‘Building Belongings’ program created by the Australian Human Rights Commission, with our preschool children forced to be indoctrinated into Islam all in the name of diversity.

Maybe this writer is overreacting, but then again it is 2016 where all sense of reality and sensibility has disappeared, swallowed by an ever reaching inclusive, diverse, trigger free and politically correct black hole.

Barakah Hills coming to your Television soon!

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