Coverage of African Crime is Called Racist. What Do the Facts Say?

Eight Melbourne suburban mayors Mayors from the cities of Darebin, Moreland, Whittlesea, Hume, Yarra, Knox, Monash and Melton appeared with Australian-African community leader Maker Mayek at a press conference on Monday in Brunswick to declare that “racist fear-mongering must be stopped” by the media in reporting violent crime committed by African-Australian youths.
6 Melbourne Mayors standing this morning with @MakMayek to voice their solidarity with their South Sudanese residents
“The role of political leadership is to unite diverse communities” Mayor Kris Pavlidis, @CityWhittlesea
— Welcome to Australia (@welcome2aussie) August 13, 2018
This comes no less than a week after residents in the western Melbourne suburb of Taylors Hill were terrorized by a gang of 50 Sudanese youths who rioted in the streets last Wednesday night. It was triggered by “a teenage relationship issue over a girl” for which police deployed specialist units including the Operations Response Unit to restore order. Residents were ordered to stay in their homes and cars to avoid the area. Despite the severity of the riot police made no arrests on the night.
The next day the Andrews State Labor Government decided to distract media attention away from this with the state Transport Minister Jacinta Allan announcing she was removing Sky News bulletins being shown at Melbourne’s Metro train stations. She claimed that Sky’s interview with patriot activist Blair Cottrell had been shown at train stations and she had received complaints from commuters and decided that “
Last month 19-year-old Keynan born student Laa Chol was stabbed to death during a brawl between warring African groups at an Airbnb apartment rental in Melbourne. After this tragedy Premier Daniel Andrews again stated there was no African crime problem “In relation to the very tragic death of Laa Chol, I don’t think her family will be getting much comfort from this sort of discussion”. A News Corp reporter was attacked online for simply interviewing the parents Laa Chol who wanted justice for their daughter.
These incidents are just those that have occurred over the past month. The issue of African youth gang crime in Melbourne has been in the spotlight since the beginning of 2018 after a summer wave of violent crimes by youths described as being African in appearance. Every time the left have claimed it has been a beat up by dog whistling politicians like Peter Dutton and race baiting media outlets like News Corp another violent incident involving African youths occurs.
In fact the left are so strongly of the belief this is a made up issue that they protested outside the headquarters of Channel Seven in Melbourne in protest of a Sunday Night story focusing on African crime in the city. The left do not want to be challenged on their narrative and at this protest they had police remove the Unshackled’s reporter from the protest and detained three conservative activists.
At the Mayors’ press conference City of Melton Mayor Bob Turner claimed that “making young people and their families feel welcome in the place they now call home is the best way to make our communities healthier” and Mr Mayek referred to the recent rioters as “disenfranchised young people that are going out there and causing problems”.
With this constant accusation that African youth crime in Melbourne is a media invention then it worth going back to the crime statistics available in Victoria. They have been reported on in the media before but the ABC decided to do some additional analysis on the latest statistics available from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency.
They found that Sudanese born offender rate is six times higher than their population share, the second highest offending nationality was another African nation Somalia for 2017-18 period. The Australian newspaper put together a similar analysis last month which concluded that Sudanese born Australians 57 times more likely to be charged with aggravated robbery than their Australian counterparts and 33 times more likely to be charged with riot and affray.
Remember these statistics only reporting the place of birth of the offenders, they would not including Sudanese or other African-Australian offenders who were born in Australia. So the true African crime rate in Victoria is likely to be even higher and disproportionate. But the currently available crime statistics prove without a doubt that this issue is not a phenomena created by racists, but a serious issue in the city of Melbourne with traumatized victims and residents living in fear.
The Andrews’ Government and these eight Melbourne Mayors continual denial about African crime after every latest crime is putting Melbourne in a further dangerous place. With a state election due this November this issue is going to continue to be prominent in the media whether those in positions of authority like it or not and violent criminal incidents will keep occurring.