Marxist Roz Ward uses violence to silence any opposition to her agenda
Roz Ward, the high-profile LGBTI rights activist, “Safe Schools” founder and supposed anti-bullying activist was caught on camera assaulting a pro Trump supporter during an anti-Trump protest in Melbourne on November 12th.
Ward was seen holding copies of the Marxist newspaper “Red Flag” as she attacked a man wearing a Trump T-shirt and Cap. Ms Ward attempted to rip the cap off the man’s head as he walked by.
In everything Ms Ward does it is clear to see she is inspired by a dangerous socialist Marxist ideology. In May 2016 she was suspended by La Trobe University for a Facebook post where she wrote “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state parliament and get a red one up there and my work is done”.
It’s quite hypocritical that Ward, the founder of the so called anti-bullying program “Safe Schools” has been clearly captured attacking someone with different views then her. Isn’t that exactly what her program is meant to be about “Acceptance of all people and different views?” Of course not, it never has and never will be about bullying. Ward has admitted during a Marxist conference in Melbourne in 2015 that the Safe Schools program is part of a broader Marxist strategy to change society.
Despite all this the Australian government and especially the Victorian government continue to support her and give her access to our children’s developing minds, it is nothing but government funded child abuse, sexual and gender indoctrination.
Victorian Premier and likely Marxist supporter Daniel Andrews cannot get enough of Roz Ward. The Andrews government gives the organisation “Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria” $315,000 a year for Ms Ward to oversee youth-orientated projects. Then despite all the concerns raised by politicians such as Cory Bernardi and George Christensen; teachers; parents and; high profile media personalities such as Andrew Bolt and Rita Panahi, the Andrews led government has appointed Roz Ward to a high-level committee advising the Victorian government on education issues.
It is unacceptable that the Victorian Government continues to support such a radical dangerous person such as Roz Ward.
Ms Ward has acknowledged multiple times that the Safe Schools program is not an anti-bullying program. But despite this public acknowledgement, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and his Deputy Premier and Education Minister James Merlino continue to support the program in full and refer to it as an anti-bullying program.
The federal government completed an investigation into the program in February and based on the findings removed the program entirely from primary schools as well as altering some of the more extreme content, but despite this the Victorian government have completely rejected the federal government advice and will continue teaching it to primary students as well as keeping the extreme content.
As Australia is a Federation of States, our constitution clearly puts the power of our children’s education in the hands of the state governments. So despite the recommendations of our federal government, no state is bound to take up those recommendations. Even if the federal government withholds funding to the program, Daniel Andrews is hell bent on keeping it in its current format, even if that means the Victorian government funds it in full.
Daniel Andrews launched an extraordinary attack on the Commonwealth after the program alterations were announced “I get my advice on policy from experts, not from bigots, not from people who really ought to be ashamed of themselves in terms of their views and their tampering with a program that actually works,”
Clearly his expert is the known Marxist Roz Ward who recently advised principals that they should just dismiss the concerns of parents with a “tough luck”
It seems that no matter how much we raise our voice as parents, as political commentators or even as teachers. The left will continue to drown out our voices and claim we are bullies, bigots, homophobes and more. We continue to play nice and try to enact change as hypocrites like Roz Ward dictates to us how we should live and how we should raise our children. We are living in a time where it is expected by the left that we will fall into line and conform. If we dare to rebel against their agenda then everything and anything is on the table, including violence as evident in the Melbourne rally.
It is time for parents on mass to march into schools and demand that this filth is removed from the curriculum. It is time to step away from the hidden Facebook profiles and stand up to friends and family who push this Marxist agenda. We can no longer allow ourselves to be silenced by the left. Our failure to stand up for our values, for our beliefs has allowed Marxist Social Justice Warriors like Roz Ward to rise.
Australia must take the lead of the inspirational US President elect Donald Trump and all his supporters and rise in unison.
We will not be silenced, we will be heard!
Image courtesy of Wardenclyffe Photography