Exposed: the crazed wig-woman who attacked Lauren Southern in Melbourne
Last Friday night during the speech by visiting dissident speaker Lauren Southern a weird looking woman in a strange blonde wig attempted to assault her, rushing at the stage screaming barely coherent inanities.
The media later identified her as Nita Habibi, a spokeswoman for the Whistle-blowers Activists and Citizens Alliance (WACA).
Strangely few members of the fourth estate seemed interested in doing any further investigation into this odd-looking be-wigged woman.
So who is Nita?
Bizarre wig woman
It may shock you to learn that Ms Habibi is not a natural blonde.
I don’t know if she realises it but the near platinum wig she wears presumably for disguise has the slightly counter productive side effect of making her stand out like a sore thumb.
She stood out so much in fact that when she was on the bus from Broadmeadows station to the speaking venue in Somerton right-wing activist Neil Erikson picked her as a protester and immediately began filming her.
So distinctive was the wig in fact that Mr Erikson was able to recognise her from an earlier protest where she had been temporarily detained by police after attacking an innocent pedestrian in Melbourne’s CBD for the crime of carrying an Australian flag.
So who is this woman? Where does she come from? And why on earth does she wear a wig?
The East West Link Squatter
For those unfamiliar with Melbourne’s wonderful traffic problems some background is in order.
In 2013, Victorian Liberal Premier Denis Napthine released plans for a road project called the “East West Link” to try and ease some of the terminal congestion accumulating in the rapidly growing city.
The plans included compulsory acquisition of 92 houses and 26 businesses in the project area, mostly around the hipster cultural zones of Collingwood, Parkville and Clifton Hill.
This kicked off a storm of local protest. Most of the people living in the inner northern suburbs where the road was being built already had excellent access to public transport, while those who would benefit were commuters and tradies from the outer suburbs.
NIMBYism, political radicalism and inner city elitism combined into a swelling of grassroots support. A protest campaign began backed by local councils and the Greens but controlled on the ground by long time Marxist activist and city of Yarra Councillor Stephen Jolly.
Jolly and his group of Trotskyist activists organised an ultimately successful campaign of occupations, pickets and protests that delayed the project beyond the state election allowing the victorious incoming Andrews ALP government to cancel the contract at an estimated cost to taxpayers of over 1 billion dollars.
So what does Nita have to do with this?
Well while these protests were going on the houses that had been compulsorily purchased in Bendigo St Collingwood were standing empty. Nita moved in and set up what she described as “Political Squats”, bases for left wing extremist activists to live in for free while engaging in protests and other activism in the area.
From this base the extreme left organised an action against a charitable event to help homelessness being held in the Exhibition building gardens that they considered “tokenistic” and had to be restrained by police. They also attempted to intimidate Lord Mayor Robert Doyle, holding drunken midnight protests outside his house, littering his front lawn with empty beer bottles and engaging in a vandalism campaign against his property.
The squat was considered so successful that Nita expanded the project into other houses in the area including a two bedroom unit for herself in the neighbouring upper class suburb of Parkville near the University of Melbourne.
But then the party came to a crashing halt when one of Nita’s “comrades” managed to kill himself with a drug overdose inside one of the Bendigo St addresses. The newly elected ALP State government was willing to overlook a lot, but dead bodies being pulled out of houses in one of Melbourne’s most fashionable suburbs was a step too far.
The evictions began and by the end of November 2016 police had deloused the last of the Collingwood properties. Despirited, Nita moved into a caravan in the backyard of a friend in Brunswick.
But she wasn’t dormant for long. In late 2017 she was up to her old tricks again after organising yet another radical “political squat” in South Melbourne and fighting yet another government eviction notice.
Nita is indeed a busy girl, but not too busy to take time to put on her wig and attack some poor bloke walking through Melbourne’s CBD for the heinous crime of Australian-Flag-possession. Or to put on the same wig and pay $80 to attack Lauren Southern.
Although the truth is she almost certainly didn’t pay for her ticket herself. The shadowy and suspiciously well-funded WACA group has form for paying the costs of otherwise indigent protesters, sometimes flying them around the country to orchestrate well organised and well-co-ordinated publicity stunts supporting open borders and attacking fossil fuels. Someone like Nita who claims to have been squatting on and off since the age of 16 probably doesn’t have $80 dollars to waste getting kicked out of someone else’s event.
All this information is publicly available. Yet in all the reports of the Southern protest not a single journalist bothered to do the most basic research into Ms Habibi or her background, instead simply mindlessly repeating what was stated in the pre-prepared WACA press release.
From the supposedly “evil right-wing Murdoch-owned” Australian to the ABC Ms Habibi was simply described as a “protester” an “anti-racist” or even an “anti-fascist”.
I guess most Australian journalists have been too busy congratulating themselves on their denunciations of Lauren Southern as an “idiot” to do any actually journalism regarding the extremists attacking her.
Honestly! Why would these people turn up? They are just giving this idiot exactly what she wants more publicity.
— Samantha Maiden (@samanthamaiden) July 20, 2018
Pity that.