Are NYC Schools Being Funded To Discriminate Against White Children?

The New York Post recently reported that Darnisa Amante, a workshop instructor from the Department of Education, defined racial equality as favoring black children regardless of their socio-economic status.
“If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy.
“That’s what racial equity is.”
According to one teacher who attended the workshop, the training centered on a principle called “replacement thinking” which encouraged educators to become “liberated” from their “whiteness”.
In effect, New York City’s public-school educators were indirectly told to focus on black children only.
Mona Davids, President of the NYC Parents Union was appalled by the feedbacks.
“It’s completely absurd — they want to treat black students as victims and punish white students. That defeats the purpose of what bias awareness training should be.”
It should be noted that Ms. Davids is black.
In Manhattan, a middle-school teacher complained that the mandatory DOE training was being used to fuel more hate and division among whites and blacks.
“I have colleagues who won’t participate during ‘Courageous Conversations’ (the DOE protocol for implicit-bias workshops) because they don’t feel safe.”
In February 2019, consultant Amante told white DOE chiefs to come to terms with the fact that issues of race, power and privilege will rise to the forefront and shake things up.
“Through this process of moving towards racial equity, you will need to name your privilege,” Amante is quoted as saying.
Amante, a lecturer at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, is CEO of Disruptive Equity Education Project, or DEEP.
Amante’s group has been described as an organization that plans to dismantle systemic oppression and racism.
The $23 million mandatory anti-bias program for all DOE employees led to the demotion of at least four white female DOE executives, claiming whiteness has become “toxic”.