MSM: Illegal Immigrant Murder Case Actually About ‘Toxic Masculinity’

Mollie tibbetts brand

In a news cycle packed to the brim with shit takes, one absolutely woeful MSM narrative reigns supreme above the rest from last week.

Mollie Tibbetts, for those who don’t know, was a 20-year-old girl out on a casual jog in Iowa when she was murdered by an illegal immigrant. She was initially reported missing when she didn’t show up for work the next day, and her body was found in a cornfield weeks later when the murderer was approached by Police. Details about the case are still coming out, but at the time of writing the death has been ruled a “homicide resulting from multiple sharp force injuries”.

So the counter-narrative being pushed here by Sanders, a Democrat strategist and CNN commentator, is that the fact innocent American women are being horrifically murdered in the street by criminal scumbags who circumvent law to invade the country and evade taxes is no big deal. What the USA should really be doing, rather than starting to get tough on immigration and taking rule of law seriously, is subjecting young boys to more mandatory feminist propaganda.

But wait, there’s more:

So now you have Symone D. Sanders, former Bernie Sanders press secretary, current Democrat strategist and CNN employee running interference for the murderer’s defence case by pretending he might be a legal citizen.

Also, she says, she hates it when people disparage an entire community based on an individual act of a single member of that community. Interesting.

This idea was so enticing to other parasites of the Mainstream Media that Yahoo reproduced it almost verbatim as an article where they rely on the definition of Toxic Masculinity; “It’s the cultural ideal of manliness”.

Do these people ever consider what we can all clearly observe; that maybe, just maybe, people with a flippant disregard for the law might be the causative factor? Probably not.




This article was originally published on Pop and Locke.

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