Paddy Gibson: Marxist Organiser Arrested at Sydney BLM Rally

Paddy Gibson

Paddy Gibson got himself arrested (just as he had planned). So why isn’t the media mentioning that he’s a Marxist?

Sydney’s BLM march today was organised by a veteran Marxist activist who believes Australia should be abolished and wants to overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state. And nobody in the mainstream media seems to want to talk about it.

Paddy Gibson
Paddy Gibson being arrested at APEC in 2007

Paddy Gibson is the man who has recently been featured on almost every media outlet and quoted in almost every newspaper as a Sydney BLM organiser. Almost every journalist has ignored his extremist views. Even after he was arrested today in Sydney while defying a court order against the rally he organised the media continued to ignore the fact that Paddy doesn’t believe Australia (and by extension Australian courts) should exist.

Since as usual our fourth estate has let us down, allow The Unshackled to catch you up. Paddy Gibson has a public record as an organiser and activist for revolutionary Trotskyist groups going back fifteen years. In 2005 while attending Sydney University he was the spokesman for the Socialist Alliance front group “Students Against War” (SAW). The main concern of SAW was to attack businesses involved in the rebuilding of Iraq, to stage obnoxious protests at university Army Reserve stalls and to support the “Iraqi Resistance”. It’s worth pointing out that as of 2005 this “Resistance” mainly consisted of “Al-Qaeda in Iraq” who were in the process of successfully prodding Sunnis dismayed at their loss of influence in the 2005 elections into a bloody sectarian civil war (and who would later become ISIS).

Paddy Gibson was an organiser during the 2006 G20 riots in Melbourne

After participating in the 2006 G20 riots in Melbourne Paddy became involved in the planning of the 2007 APEC protest in Sydney against the visit of George W. Bush. At this stage Paddy was openly an activist for the revolutionary Trotskyist group Solidarity, had been arrested eight times at protests (he would again be arrested at APEC) and was one of sixty names on a NSW Police “exclusion list” of potentially violent left wing extremist activists. None of this is secret, at the time even SBS was forced to ask Paddy whether he thought violently attacking police was justified (he dodged the question). As was revealed later Paddy Gibson along with his Solidarity comrades was part of a push inside the APEC protest organising committee to be even more confrontational with the police.

APEC protests in Sydney in 2007. co-organised by Paddy Gibson.

Since these early beginnings Paddy has stuck with the “Solidarity” group, speaking at their conferences and co-editing their magazine. Paddy has also been the organiser of numerous Marxist front groups mostly involving aboriginal causes. When in the aftermath of the damning “little Children are Sacred report into the issue of widespread child abuse in remote Aboriginal communities was released in 2007 and the Howard government instituted the “Northern Territory National Emergency Response” Gibson immediately began campaigning against it. In his mind the idea that the Australian federal government had jurisdiction over the people he saw as the only rightful owners of the continent was an outrage that outweighed any possible concerns over little children being raped. He founded numerous “anti-intervention” groups to combat this unmitigated evil. Paddy was quite pleased with the response and was still describing himself as the spokesman for “Stop The Intervention Collective” in 2015 while speaking at the far-left organised anti-Reclaim Australia rallies.

Paddy Gibson being interviewed by Channel 7, who of course didn’t point out his extremist views.

Perhaps his enthusiasm for aboriginal causes can partially be explained by the fact that in 2008 Paddy got a job working at University of Technology Sydney as a Senior Researcher at the “Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning” under the supervision of Professor Larissa Behrendt (best known for bringing the “hate crimes” charges against Andrew Bolt). As a good student of historical materialism I’m sure Paddy would be able to identify how his employment interests may have affected his political priorities. After all that’s a pretty cosy job for a fella only three years out of Uni with an Arts degree.

Paddy Gibson
Paddy Gibson has made a career out of being a recent white immigrant who thinks white immigrants should never have come here.

The fact that the media still can’t bring themselves to point out that Paddy belongs to the “Solidarity” group is distressing. Solidarity is a revolutionary Trotskyist organisation founded when veteran Marxist Ian Rintoul broke away from the International Socialist Organisation in 2003 . The Unshackled readers would perhaps remember them as the group who organised a rally against the “racist” Morrison government closing the borders to China to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. If not for that act of stupidity you might remember them as the people who first broke the Coronavirus bans to hold another protest for “refugees” in Melbourne earlier this year.

As a revolutionary Marxist group Solidarity by definition believes that Australia is an immoral social construct created to perpetuate “patriarchal white-supremacist imperialist capitalism” and so has no right to exist. Just last month they defied yet another order of the NSW Supreme Court in order to hold a rally for another of their front groups the “Refugee Action Coalition”. Yet due to the extremely simple measure of using different activists as spokespeople for the different events nobody in the media seems to have been able to make the connection between the two.

“Solidarity” through their various front groups have been the organiser or co-organisers of almost every left wing quarantine busting protest so far yet almost nobody in the media seems to be able to do the simple internet searches required to notice. Considering that Solidarity can count amongst their supporters Lidia Thorpe the newest Greens senator from Victoria this should be big news yet isn’t. It’s time to start wondering why.

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