The left doesn’t like it when they get a taste of their own medicine. When that is compounded by the fact that public sentiment is against them they become alarmed.

This is what they have been discovering ever since three inner city Melbourne councils, Yarra, Moreland and Darebin voted to not recognise Australian Day. The federal government has taken action against them by stripping them of their power to hold citizenship ceremonies.

Subsequent polling has shown these councils are way out of touch with mainstream Australia with strong support for keeping Australia Day on January 26th.

However, a lack of public support has never stopped leftists in power from implementing their cultural Marxist agenda and most of the time they get away with it.

But these councils are finding trashing our national day a bit more difficult to manage thanks to the activism of Neil Erikson and his new nationalist group Patriot Blue.

It started as a spontaneous protest at a Yarra City Council meeting by Erikson and his supporters following his trial for breaching Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

But now Erikson the rest of Patriot Blue are making an effort to disrupt as many of these inner Melbourne Council meetings as possible and to let these councillors and their leftist enablers know that their degradation of our national day is not shared by Australia at large.

Patriot Blue have disrupted the last two Moreland Council meetings, the most recent protest on October 11 involved the bringing into the council chambers of a coffin draped in the Australian flag. Erickson accused Moreland mayor Helen Davidson of grabbing him by the neck as part of her hysterical reaction to protest.

Many people who may support the movement to Save Australia Day do criticise Erikson’s tactics. But the left has been pulling the same sort of stunts for many years and it does catapult their cause into the mainstream media. Erikson’s protests probably wouldn’t have gained the publicity if he’d just confined himself to outside these council meetings. He does not assault people, just expresses himself strongly.

Erikson’s success with these protests has rattled Melbourne’s active far left movement. This is why the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism which organisers all of the violent counter protests at nationalist rallies in Melbourne is holding a ‘Defend Yarra Council from the far-right’ event outside Yarra City’s next council meeting tonight.

The details for the event says it all ‘Since the Yarra, Darebin and Moreland council all voted to not celebrate Invasion Day, various well known Neo-Nazi and far right individuals and groups have been targeting council meetings’.

While Erikson has held national socialist views in the past he has renounced those and was interviewed by proud Jew Avi Yemini outside his trial. Calling Australia Day Invasion Day just demonstrates the distain these leftists have for modern Australia itself.

Melbourne’s far left are not used to playing catch up when it comes to taking to the streets. The nationalists’ rallies have come thick and fast this year with the successful Australian Pride March in June and the Make Victoria Safe Again rally in September. There are also plans to make Australia Day 2018 celebrations in inner Melbourne the most spectacular it has ever seen.

Australians are growing tired of the left’s control of Australia’s culture, its capturing of our local governments and its attacks on our history and traditions. It’s about time they incurred the wrath of the Australian people and their street thugs are rightly afraid.



Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.