Census Australia Promotes Islam on Its Facebook Page


The Australian Bureau of Statistics has been eager to promote the results of the 2016 Australian Census online ever since it’s official release on Tuesday. Part of the reason one would imagine is to cover up for the bungled collecting of the Census data after it’s much hyped online Census collection site crashed on Census night last year.

Upon it’s release the ABS gave a press conference talking about the fascinating results on the Census encouraging Australians to find out more about what the results told us about our great nation. Although the ABS as a government agency of course has to appear neutral in political matters, the spin it put on the results of the census gave the impression that it was happy about some of the demographic trends happening in Australia that are concerning many people.

This was made no more evident by a post the Census Australia Facebook page made yesterday. It posted a video photo which it boosted so it was seen by many Australian Facebook users of two hijab wearing Muslim women with the caption:

People born in the Middle East and North Africa have increased from 5.8% to 6.1% of the overseas-born population.

Discover the way we live now.

The fact that not all Australians from the Middle East and North Africa are Muslims yet this is the photo the ABS chose to post tells you something about the message they, and most likely other government departments want to communicate to the Australian public. Islam is here to stay and you must embrace it. There is a similarity between the promoting of this photo and the Muslim girls hijab Australia Day billboard that was much criticized yet lauded by the left.

Of course the Islamization of Australia wasn’t the only demographic development the ABS glowing reported on. They discussed all the foreign nations Australian citizens were born in ‘”Australians were born in close to 200 different countries – meaning people from all over the world are part of our diverse nation”. It also reported positively the increase in the number of same sex couples “Is Australia raising its rainbow flag? It sure is. We counted more than 47,000 same-sex couples in 2016 – up from 33,000 in 2011”. It summarized modern Australia as “we’re living longer, becoming more urbanized, more diverse, less religious, living closer together, earning more and forming the same type of family unit”.

You would expect the ABS to promote the results of the Census as much as possible, mainly to justify their existence. But the spin it is putting on these results suggests there is a political agenda at play as well. The ABS should just state the results of the Census and leave the public debate and commentary to the rest of us. Australians are getting mighty sick of the way a new vision of Australia is being forced upon them despite all the problems such as crime, terrorism, lack of jobs and infrastructure it is resulting in. Stick to planning to run the next Census effectively ABS than promoting an agenda.

Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of https://theunshackled.net. the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of https://theunshackled.net. the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.